[Makebelieve] 24 new stories uploaded to Makebelieve on 06/14/2006

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 05:49:23 PDT 2006

FANDOMS: Angel, Buffy, CSI, CSI New York, Dukes Of Hazzard, Hannibal, Harry
Potter, Hawaii Five-0, Mutant X, Navy NCIS, Numb3rs, The Sentinel, Star Trek
Deep Space 9, Stargate Atlantis, Starsky And Hutch, Xena: Warrior Princess,
XOVERS: Buffy/Sentinel, CSI:Miami/Navy NCIS, MASH/The Manchurian Candidate,

Tema Adah by orion_tiye
Tema Adah is a young Bajoran writer who moves to the station. She meets
Dukat, and they get 'involved'. She starts talking with Garak, while Dukat
is off station, and they start getting romantic. When Dukat returns, she and
Garak continue meeting in secret, until Dukat walks in on them.
Category: Star Trek Deep Space 9 - Characters: Other - Genres: General -
Rating: FRC - Warnings: none - Chapters: 5
Published: 07/24/05 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Through the Years by annsan
An on-going story of the relationship between Steve *&* Dan through most of
the show. This story deals with certain episodes as well as original plots.
Not posted to any lists.
Category: Hawaii Five-0 - Characters: - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRAO -
Warnings: First Time, friendship, m/m, slash - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

The Gift of Love by Margaret Newman aka mererid
Fandom: Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Category: slash, h/c, au
Rating: R
Status: finished
Archive: Yes
Series? I don't know, maybe?
Disclaimers: no money made, trust me. I could use it.
Notes: for Dues and to see if I can stir up the ol' muse.
Brief Summary: Jim and Blair deal with some sadness.
Warnings: h/c, m/m
Submitted through the SenseXangstRevisited mailing list.
Category: Sentinel, The > slash fiction - Characters: Jim/Blair - Genres:
Slash - Rating: FRM - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Taken by Paula C
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Submitted through the JungleJim_VirginBlair mailing list.
Category: Sentinel, The > slash fiction - Characters: Jim/Blair - Genres:
Slash - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: First Time - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: Yes

Hell by Buffy
Rating: FRC
Summary: post-ep to "One Step Closer". Adam deals with the aftermath
Notes: my first story in the fandom, and I haven't seen too many episodes of
MutantX *ducks* don't hurt me! Anyone who spots the literary allusion gets
20 points. This is preslash, and eventually there should be a sequel.
Feedback: would love it, positive or negative. In fact, constructive
criticisms would be most welcome.
Submitted through the AdamKane_WildAndWicked mailing list.
Category: Mutant X > slash fiction - Characters: Adam Caine, Other - Genres:
Slash - Rating: FRC - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

If You Love Something Set It Free by vinsmouse
Kathy Sue isn't done with Bo yet, will Luke be able to save him from her
clutches. Sequel to Love Hurts
Category: Dukes Of Hazzard - Characters: - Genres: General - Rating: FRT -
Warnings: Abuse, Angst, Non-con, torture, violence - Chapters: 13
Published: 04/06/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

My Boyfriend Came in a Plain Brown Wrapper by Scribe
Fandom: The Sentinel
Sequel to My Boyfriend is Inflatable
Summary: Blair is spooked when something unusual is delivered to the loft.
Rating: Adult
Notes: I don't have absolute specifics on how Real Doll ships, but I came as
close as I could.
Submitted through the Makebelieve_YG mailing list.
Category: Sentinel, The > slash fiction - Characters: Jim/Blair - Genres:
Slash - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: Yes

The Broken Road by Kate R
Pairing: Rodney McKay/Acastus Kolya
Warning: AU, not for Sheppard Lovers
Summary: Rodney talks to the one loves
Disclaimer: Own nothing and no one used herein. The song belongs to Rascal
Flatts, the characters belong to Sci-Fi.
Submitted through the Makebelieve_YG mailing list.
Category: Stargate Atlantis > slash fiction - Characters: Rodney/Kolya -
Genres: Slash - Rating: FRT-17 - Warnings: AU - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: Yes

Abandoned by Ceindreadh
Website: n/a
Permission to archive: Yes to WWOMB, anybody else, please ask first.
Fandom(s): CSI-New York
Genre (general, hetero or slash) : Slash, angst, hurt/comfort.
Pairing/Characters: Flack/Mac
Rating: PG-15
Summary: It's a week after Don was injured, but Mac hasn't been to see him.
Warnings: a slash fic with a lot of hurt/comfort thrown in.
Disclaimer. I don't own the CSI-NY characters, I'm only borrowing them, and
I promise to return them in minty fresh condition when I'm finished.
Notes: An idea that came to me and wouldn't let me go until I'd written it.
Submitted through the CSI_New_York_Slash mailing list.
Category: CSI New York > slash fiction - Characters: Mac/Flack - Genres:
Slash - Rating: FRT-17 - Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 3
Published: 06/13/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Son of the Sun by Kate R
Rating: Teen to Adult
Pairings: Jim/Blair, Naomi/Apollo
Summary: Blair finds out who his father is.
Series/sequel: Yep, to 'The Sky Within her Reach
Notes: Some people asked me for more so here it is.
Disclaimer: Still own nothing and on one used herein.
Submitted through the SenseXangstRevisited mailing list.
Category: x-overs > Hercules/Sentinel > slash fiction - Characters: -
Genres: Slash, Hetero - Rating: FRT-17 - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Bumps Along The Way by Kerensa
Pairings: Strife/Cupid (pre-slash, so far), Joxer/Ares
Rating: FRT, so far
Archive: Yes, just let me know where
Feedback: Well duh!
A/N: This is part of the Children At Play series. 1st was Overheard
Conversations, 2nd was Heads I Lose, Tails I Lose and now this one is 3rd.
However, chronologically, OC is after Heads and then this one. (Is everybody
confused now? Good. )
Submitted through the Makebelieve_YG mailing list.
Category: Xena: Warrior Princess > slash fiction - Characters: Ares/Joxer,
Cupid/Strife - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRT - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Moonlight by Scribe
Fandom: Angel, the Series
Couple: Spike/Lorne
Status: Finished
Summary: Spike is feeling a little bleh, so he goes where he usually finds a
cure--a bar. This one happens to be Caritas.
Prompt: Moonlight
Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media
characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or
owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and
will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect
on the lives or life styles of the actors/actresses who originally portrayed
the characters. I have nothing but fond affection and respect for them, for
giving me so much entertainment, and no disrespect is meant by anything
Notes: Don't try to figure out any particular time in canon for these
stories. I'm very nebulous about what happened when in canon, so I tend to
ignore it. I AM having this post-Buffy affair, but that's it. He had an
affair, it didn't work out, he left and went to LA, figuring that tormenting
Angel would keep things from getting boring. Songs--Moonlight Becomes You,
Moonlight Feels Right, Mister Moonlight, One of These Nights. The drink is a
real one--I found the recipe on the net, and it has more than three oz. of
alcohol--Spike should like it.
Rating: FR17, for a couple of words only
Submitted through the Makebelieve_Squidge mailing list.
Category: Angel > slash fiction - Characters: Spike/Lorne - Genres: Slash -
Rating: FRT-17 - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: Yes

Return A Man: Radar And Ray by Scribe
Sequel: This is the sequal to 'Radar's First Time'.
Fandom: M*A*S*H/The Machurian Candidate
Pairing: Radar/Raymond Shaw
Criticism: Yes
Archive: Yes, let me know where
Feedback: Yes.
Disclaimer: Characters originally belong to Richard Hooker and whoever wrote
The Manchurian Candidate.
Rating: FRAO
Backstory: In that story Walter (Radar) Eugene O'Reilly, a naive Iowa
farmboy, is gently seduced by his superior, Sergeant Raymond Shaw, who will
later become The Manchurian Candidate.
It's true love for both Radar and Ray, but alas Ray is shipped to Korea,
leaving Walter bereft. Walter is sent to Korea himself, and stationed at the
4077 M*A*S*H unit. There he is contacted once again by Shaw, and the affair
resumes. Their love deepens, but all is not well for the lovers. Due to the
times, they feel compelled to keep their love a secret, and secrets can be
That danger is embodied by Colonel Samuel Flagg, a CIA operative who comes
to have a very unhealthy interest in Radar. (In the television series, Flagg
was a moronic bumbler. In this universe, he is a clever, cunning, and very
dangerous psychopath)
The story follows Radar's suffering at the hands of Flagg, his eventual
recovery, with the loving help of family, friends, and Ray, and the chilling
aftermath of Ray's capture and brainwashing. Will their love save Radar, and
prevent Ray from succumbing to the machinations of the powers who seek to
use him?
Submitted through the Makebelieve_YG mailing list.
Category: x-overs > MASH/The Manchurian Candidate > slash fiction -
Characters: - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: Angst - Chapters: 32
Published: 06/01/05 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Past And Present by Davids Kaz
Permission to archive: yes
Fandom(s): Starsky and Hutch
Genre (general, hetero or slash)baby slash
: Warnings:some bad Language and shower scenes
Acknowledgments:with great thank you to e-pony for all her help
Submitted through the Makebelieve_YG mailing list.
Category: Starsky And Hutch > slash fiction - Characters: Starsky/Hutch -
Genres: Slash - Rating: FRM - Warnings: none - Chapters: 2
Published: 05/31/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

The War Against Tradition by CaliaDragon an Ne ichan
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairings: Multiple
Rating: FRAO
Warnings: Incest, Angst, Twincest, Slash, Het, Violence, Unbeta'd (though it
has gone through a spell checker), OOC, Vampirism, Lycanthrope, Evil
Weasley's and Dumbledore.
Author's Note: This started as a Round Robin and evolved to this. NO
Spoilers for HP *&HBP* I am in denial.
Disclaimer: The Harry Potter characters do not belong to us. Several of the
characters and creatures do so if you have never read about them, their
ours. The situation and the characterization are also our doing so if you
don't like it blame us, not JK. :)
Category: Harry Potter > slash fiction - Characters: Other - Genres: Slash,
Hetero - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: Angst, Incest, violence - Chapters: 3
Published: 07/23/05 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: Yes

Den by Scribe
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Status: Finished
Series/Sequel: For the 30randomkisses lj community.
Summary: Prompt 30--den. Jim is thinking about how to use a spare room.
Archive: Yes
Feedback: Yes.
Disclaimer: I did not create and do not own any readily recognizable media
characters. I have no agreement, legal or otherwise, with the creators or
owners. This is purely for entertainment--I have not made, do not seek, and
will not accept any profit for it. This story is in no way meant to reflect
on the lives or life styles of the actors/actresses who originally portrayed
the characters. I have nothing but fond affection and respect for them, for
giving me so much entertainment, and no disrespect is meant by anything
Rating: Teen
Submitted through the Makebelieve_Squidge mailing list.
Category: Sentinel, The > slash fiction - Characters: Jim/Blair - Genres:
Slash - Rating: FRT - Warnings: none - Chapters: 1
Published: 06/14/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: Yes

Guide's Touch by neichan
In a world where sentinels aren known, Jim Ellison is still not getting his
needs met.
Category: Sentinel, The > slash fiction - Characters: Blair Sandburg,
Captain Simon Banks, Detective Brown, Detective Rafe, Jim/Blair, Lt. Carolyn
Plummer - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: Abuse, Adult Situations,
Angst, AU, bloodplay, D/s, First Time, friendship, Hurt/Comfort, m/m,
partner betrayal, slash - Chapters: 20
Published: 04/20/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Inti by oliver31
the relationship between Gibbs and Tony is not really it seems to be...
Crossover with The Sentinel
Category: Navy NCIS > slash fiction - Characters: Jethro Gibbs/Tony DiNozzo
- Genres: Slash - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: Angst, First Time - Chapters: 4
Published: 06/04/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Big Mistakes have Big Consequences by StrangerThenFiction
Wolfram *&* Hart are up to something... LOVE FEEDBACK! Please!!!! Don't know
or own and I'm not making money from this.... Please don't sue.... ~Each
chapter will have it's own character list and warnings~
Category: Angel > slash fiction - Characters: Angel, Cordelia Chase, Lilah
Morgan, Lindsey, Other, Other Male, Wesley - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRAO -
Warnings: Adult Situations, AU, Preslash - Chapters: 3
Published: 06/13/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Runaway Guide (Slash Version) by Joan Z
I will be posting two versions of this story. One is Het one is Slash. They
are the same story except for some pronoun changes and the name and
personality of the Runaway Guide.
Blair and Jim will appear in this story. They will be slash in both stories.

As my readers of Cosmic Intervention know, After saving the world in season
7 of BtVS, Spike is sent to a Sentinel Universe. There he becomes a sentinel
and must find his one true guide and continue working to make amends for his
past evil deeds.
Since the multi-verse is infinite this is the story of one of the sentinel
Disclaimer: Not mine. I am only keeping the fandoms alive in our hearts.
Acknowledgments: Thank you to my beta Goddesslex.
Category: x-overs > Buffy/Sentinel - Characters: - Genres: Slash - Rating:
FRAO - Warnings: AU - Chapters: 3
Published: 06/11/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Where Peace is Found by BuffyAngel68
After their fight, the brothers try to find a way to fix things, but how
much will the healing cost Don?
Category: Numb3rs > slash fiction - Characters: Don/Charlie, Terri/Don -
Genres: Slash, General - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, m/m,
graphic sex, Language, Masturbation - Chapters: 13
Published: 04/29/05 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Soul Circles Series by Joan Z
125readers...What a happy surprise.
Thank you for the comments. Comments help other readers find good stories.
This Fic will explore vampire/human relationships. It will include
If you want to read Slash and naughty, grafic, SEX Dont miss pt2 ch 9 Spike
claims his adopted child.
This Header applies to the Series as a whole.
PT 1 is graphic Het
PT2 is graphic Slash with a bit of Het (mostly implyed)
PT3 is a threesome.
This Fic takes place about 75 years in the future. All vampires are
registered and are employed in the health field. This story is told mostly
from Spikes point of View and is a Spike centered story. Spike's un-life is
about to change as he finds that a soul moves in a circle.
Don't get discouraged with the het. There is lots of slashy goodness further
on. It you want to skip the het and miss Spike killing the hunter demon just
scroll down to the pre-slash synopsis and read from there. Please leave FB.
Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Characters: Other, Spike - Genres:
Slash, Hetero - Rating: FRAO - Warnings: AU, First Time, graphic sex, het,
Kinks, m/f, m/m, Oral sex, slash, Spanking - Chapters: 34
Published: 11/29/05 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

I Know by Simarillion
Sometimes one cannot escape the past. No matter how far you run it will come
back to haunt you.
Category: Hannibal - Characters: Other - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRM -
Warnings: m/m, slash, suicide/mention of - Chapters: 10
Published: 06/13/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

Compelling by BrightEyes
Nick goes undercover, and he and Greg end up in serious trouble. Warnings:
Angst, m/m sex, strong language, non-con (rape), violence, bigotry. DARK. I
mean, sometimes I scare myself. RAPE IS NOT OKAY IN REAL LIFE. Notes: CSI
characters don't belong to me, and they're probably glad they don't, cuz I
play rough. I know this plot is probably in the running for the "Top 10 Most
Contrived Plots Ever," but just roll with it and I think you'll enjoy the
Category: CSI - Characters: Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes - Genres: Slash -
Rating: FRAO - Warnings: Angst, m/m, mild violence, Non-con, Rape -
Chapters: 2
Published: 05/22/06 - Updated: 06/14/06 - Completed: No

24 new stories uploaded to Makebelieve on 06/14/2006 in:
Angel, Batman, Battlestar Galactica 2003, Boston Legal, Buffy, CSI New York,
Emergency, Justice League Of America, Legion Of Superheros, Navy NCIS,
Original Fiction, The Sentinel, Smallville, Stargate, Supernatural, Teen
Titans, Thundercats,
Angel/Supernatural, Batman/Superman, Buffy/Angel, House/Highlander, Navy
NCIS/CSI New York, and Sentinel/Without A Trace
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