[Makebelieve] Fic: Correcting the Mistake (7 Days) Parker/Donovan (FRT) slash - mild D/s

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Sat Jul 14 19:51:28 PDT 2007

Correcting the Mistake
Fandom: 7 Days
Pairing: Frank Bartholomew Parker/Craig Donovan
Portrayed by Jonathan LaPaglia/Don Franklin. Mention of Nathan Ramsey (Nick
Rating: FRT
Summary: Some things you just can't save...or can you
Warning: A BDSM lifestyle fic, very low key
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
List Written for: http://lists.squidge.org/wws/info/7daysbdsmandslash
My stories are posted first to my LJ at
http://peja1956.livejournal.com/then to the lists that the story fits
and finally to the Makebelieve
archive, http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/search.php?action=recent Don't
miss a thing by keeping tabs on either the Journal or the archive.
Authors Note: I recently challenged myself to increase my writing output by
posting every couple days, not months as I've been doing lately. To do this,
I am taking requests by email, WWOMB review and LJ comments for WIPS that
the readers are interested in seeing completed. Each request is filed in
order of my reading it and equals a new chapter for the WIP. Everyone should
know, I'm only writing the WIPs that have requests so get you requests in. A
second part of the challenge is to write something for each of the lists I
own. I'm getting this done by request as well. to get a new fic for any
fandom, simply send me an improv and simple challenges in the various
fandoms. Please mention the fandom, and you can also ask for specific
characters. If I feel comfortable writing it, I'll add it to the pending
stories rotation as they come to my attention as well. If you don't get a
confirmation from me, I missed the challenge request. Post me again.

Frank Parker. Reckless. Devil may care. It was that self-destructive driven
attitude that finally broke the situation. Craig Donovan had had enough. Had
one time to many dodged by the skin of his teeth what could only be
considered a n avalanche of close calls that had nearly had them caught time
after time by Nathan Ramsey.

It had seemed to smart thing. Releasing him from the collaring. Ending the

Things aren't always as smart in the reality as in the thinking.

How the hell was Craig supposed to know in advance just how deeply ingrained
the desire for parker had become? It had been a thing of fun and games from
the beginning. Apparently there was something dangerously insidious about
Parker, because somehow under the fun and games he'd found a way to burrow
past Craig's career motivated exterior and lodged himself firmly in Craig's
heart, making himself indispensable.

So here he was, standing in a leather bar, watching Parker strut his stuff
for all the dom's in the place, crushing the gold link collar he wanted to
replace around that cocky neck in his hands.

Worse, the little bastard knew he was watching. Knew him well enough to know
his temper was seething.

And from what Craig could tell, his oh too obvious jealousy was not
bothering Parker... not one freaking twit.

Craig told himself he could wait out the other man. Kept repeating to
himself that he could let Parker play the free and loose twink out to latch
on to a tall, dark and studdly. That Parker would eventually stop teasing
him with his lascivious flirts and come over to him. He could wait.

The hell he could....

Craig's eyes narrowed when a blonde Apollo type swept Parker into his
glistening oiled arms and planted a domineering kiss full on Parker's way to
receptive lips.  A low growl grew in the pit of his stomach, building to a
crazed roar as he slammed his drink down on the bar and stormed across the

"Knees," he bellowed, recieving a sharp startled glare from the Apollo type.

Glowering, Parker tilted a rebellious look at Craig.

"I said knees."

Parker slipped down before him, his eyes never leaving Craig's.

Craig thrust the collar toward Parker and waited.

Parker never even glanced at it.

"Come home."

Parker's eyes narrowed and his lower lip formed a stubborn pout.

"Parker..." Craig spoke softly. "Come home."

Parker leaned forward, pressing his lips to the chain.

Sighing in relief, Craig closed the collar round parker's neck, then offered
his hand, bringing his beloved into his arms. "I love you, Parker."

parker's eyes sparkled with tears of joy.  "Let's go home."


That's it for the 7 Days fics. I'd like to do more, so let me know if you'd
like to read more.

TO MY READERS: In an attempt to improve my story output, I've challenged
myself to write something for each of my lists and post something new every
couple days. At this time I'm only writing stories and WIPs that are
requested, so if you have something you want added to, you know how to get

1. Post me a 5-10 word improv
2. Request a new chapter/sequel to your favorite current story
3. Send me a simple challenge in any fandom.
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