[Makebelieve] Fic: The Slave 8 - XFiles -KrycekCentric - FRM - slavefic

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Mon Oct 13 20:34:51 PDT 2008

The Slave 8

Fandom: XFiles
Pairing: Krycek/m
Portrayed by: (optional)Nicholas Lea/ Other characters: Special Agent Fox
Mulder (David Duchovny), Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson),
Assistant Director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi)
Category: Slash
Rating: FRM
Status: series WIP, chapter complete
Spoilers: none
Series/Sequel: part 7 of "The Slave"
Brief Summary: more questions answered
Warnings: overall BDSM, torture. Really dark nastiness happening
Notes/acknowledgments: This one is dedicated to all the readers who have
sent me the wonderful comments. I really appreciate knowing someone is
reading what I write...Amazed, mind, but very appreciative.
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: not mine.
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A
heads up would be nice as well.
Previous chapters can be read at http://peja1956.livejournal.com/118762.html.
Just follow the links at the end of the chapters

"Is that what you want to do, Krycek?" Skinner asked softly, keeping the
wounded man's eyes on him. "To obey?"

"Obey you, sir." he whispered. "Yes. Obey you"

"No matter what I ask?"

Krycek swallowed hard, his eyes flickering with the avalanche of anxiety
growing inside him. "Yes, sir."

"So when I tell you to answer to the name Alex Krycek, you will? You will be
Alex Krycek?"

Krycek's body trembled violently. "Master...?" He closed his eyes, visibly
willing himself to still. After a moment, he nodded. "This one is
designation Alex Krycek."

"No," Skinner said, giving his arm a little shake. "Not designation. Just
Alex Krycek."

"Master...." Krycek's tone held his shock. "This one is thrall. Thralls do
not carry human names. It is a violation."

Skinner's expression grew cold. "Who is master, Krycek?"

"You are, sir." Tears tracked down his face. "This one..."

"And no more referring to yourself as this one, either. when you speak of
yourself use I or me. Do you understand."

Krycek stared into his eyes a long time, panic coloring his own jade ones.
Finally, drawing a shuddering breath, he nodded. "Yes, sir."

Skinner couldn't resist smiling. "Good boy." He rose to his feet, frowning
as his knees creaked. "Damn, I'm getting to old for playing on the floor."
he gazed down at the man kneeling at his feet. "Come on, Krycek, lets get
more comfortable." He reached down and gave Scully a hand, easing her
raising, and escorted her and Mulder to the cozy living area. Skinner and
his agents settled on the over stuffed chairs, Mulder stretching his long
legs out in front of him with a silky sigh of hedonistic pleasure.

Krycek followed Skinner, floating like a silent golden leaf at is master's

"Wouldn't you like to sit on a chair, Krycek?"

Krycek shuddered. "No, thank you, sir."

Skinner shrugged. "So, Scully, thoughts?"

"In my opinion..." Mulder sprang in.

Skinner held up a hand. "I did not ask you Mulder. I am pretty sure I know
what you are thinking." His dark eyes tracked to Scully. "Scully?"

Scully tilted her head, thoughtful. "Mr Krycek has said he was born a
thrall. I suspect what he meant was that his earliest memories are of being
a slave. and no, Mulder, I don't think he was actually sent by a master,
other than Spender, to infiltrate you're case. We know for a fact he turned
on his controllers. Became a triple agent, feeding us vital information."

Mulder snorted. "When it wasn't tainted."

Scully scowled at her antagonistic partner. "There are electrical burn scars
on his head, as well as on various parts of his body. Also what I suspect
are cigarette burns and a various selection of other abuses, although it
seems the cigarette burns and cuts and lash marks are recent." She met
Skinner's eyes. "Sir, I don't think you are going to get much out of Krycek
in the way of evidence. I suspect he has little if any memory of his life
before he was turned out as a.." He lips curved down in distaste.

"Well, than what the fuck are we doing with him?" Mulder snarled. "Turn his
ass over to the agency and let the bastard rot in a cell."

"To what effect, Agent Mulder?" Skinner demanded, stroking Krycek's hair
when the man began to tremble uncontrollably. "This man is obviously not fit
to stand trail, even if we had the evidence to bring him to trail. We could
place him in hospital, but that would not necessarily bring him back to
reality. And even if it did, we might miss the occasion to use anything he
may remember unless we have complete access to his recovery. If there is a
recovery to be had."

"So what?" Mulder wanted to know. "We waste god knows how much time playing
nurse to this little creep? What if he ever gets back any memory of the
past. What..?"

"No, Mulder." Skinner snarled, pressing Krycek's head down onto his thigh as
the man swayed tiredly against him. "I will keep the boy here, with me.
Watch over him for any signs of returning memory. Scully, would you mind
checking in on him from time to time?"

"Of course."

"All right then," Skinner nodded, "I don't guess I'll be needing you here
after all. If you would relieve the guards and show yourselves out?"

"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Scully asked, tilting a nod toward
Krycek. "If we've misjudged the situation..."

"Its a chance I'm prepared to take. Go home, both of you. Krycek and I will
be fine alone, won't we boy?"

"Yes, sir." Krycek murmured, his voice sleepy against Skinner's thigh.

"Sir, You need to keep him awake a few more hours," Scully said, rising to
her feet. "Barring that, wake him every hour or so." She leaned down to
scuff Krycek's hair. "And get some food into him. He looks like he hasn't
eaten in days."

With that she turned on her heel and shoving Mulder ahead of her, went out
to dismiss the guards and head for home.

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