[Makebelieve] Fic: This Glorious Sadness 2 - DW/TW - Jack/various

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Sat Aug 15 21:37:44 PDT 2009

This Glorious Sadness 2

Fandom: Torchwood/Dr Who
Genre: slash
Chapter number if WIP: Undefined. I'm also working on a piece called "Let Me
Be Empty" which picks up immediately after "Children Of Earth" and explains
where Jack fled at the end of Season Three.  There is a slight possibility
that that piece may work into this story line creating a series, or it may
go off into something entirely different.  If these two do merge, there
could well be several pieces with Jack falling farther and farther into his
personal hell that develop to this point...we will have to see
Characters/Pairing:  The arc offers lots of possibilities, but lets say
Jack/Ianto, Jack/John H, Jack/Ten
Portrayed by  John Barrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd, John Barrowman/James
Marsters, John Barrowman/David Tennet
Rating: FRM for mental destruction
Summary: A broken Jack Harkness is discovered in a slave market
Warning: angst, depression, slavery
Prompt: Only prompt for this is a need for answers to what now?
Previous chapters or series at: Again undetermined
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Comm/List Written for: http://community.livejournal.com/cardiff_tales
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Author's websites:
Disclaimer.  Dr Who and Torchwood do not belong to me. no money made in this
Acknowledgments/Notes: One of the things that stuck out for me in the
follow-up specials was John Barrowman's comment that Jack had experienced
depression through the show. That his daughter's faith in him fueled him up
again, so for me, it has to be asked what happens when Jack loses his soul
mate, sacrifices his grandson and destroys the tenuious link to his daughter
when he was so close to giving up before.
I have a tendency to forget where I'm posting so if you missed the previous
parts you can find them at

Part 2

The Doctor guided his two charges down winding lanes and rank-smelling
alleyways until they turned into the unlit cul-de-sac where the T.A.R.D.I.S.
stood its lonely vigil.

Jack suddenly flung himself backwards, his arms thrown up as if to ward off
an attacker and a soft sound of "Nononononononono..." breathed past his

Hart was instantly alert to the problem, grabbing Jack by his forearms and
pressing him back into the wall of a building. His leg slipped between
Jack's, hindering the frenzied man's attempts to flee.

The Doctor moved forward to help calm Jack, but Hart threw a warning glare
over his shoulder and the Doctor thought the better part of valor would be
to wait and see. Which he did with a worried sigh.

Hart continued to hold Jack pinned to the building with the strength of his
body, his lower body digging firmly into Jack's. His hands cupped Jack's
face.  Jack raged at the touch, growling and snapping his teeth in an
attempt to find soft flesh. Hart dodged the bites expertly, held firm to his
furious captive, murmuring soft nothings until Jack stopped his frenzied
babbling and snapping and met Hart's gaze with clouded blue eyes.
"Ianto...." he whispered brokenly. "Don't leave me." His gaze lifted to the
heavens. "Take me with you."

"Okay." Tears slid down Hart's cheeks. "Okay, Jack." his voice was just as
broken as Jack's. A deadly-looking, narrow blade slipped into his hand. Hart
plunged the lethal blade up under Jack's ribcage, deep into his broken

"Yes," Jack cried as the blade pierced his body. A slow smile curved his
lips, his body slowly losing strength.  His blood pumped out to seep into
Hart's clothing. "Thank you..." He sighed his last breath.

Careful so as not to dislodge the knife still deep in Jack's chest, Hart
caught Jack's lifeless body up in his strong arms. Bending, he slid an arm
under Jack's knees and grunting under Jack's dead weight, lifted him high
against his chest. Drawing a deep breath he hurled a glare at The Doctor.
"Well," he snarled. "Lead on, dammit.  No telling how long he'll be...away."

The Doctor gave one quick nod and dashed for the T.A.R.D.I.S. He unlocked
the door and swung it open, waving Hart through.

Grim-faced as the dark reaper himself, Hart stepped through the door.  His
glance swept the huge interior. "Nice digs." He glanced at the man in his
arms. "Where can I put him?"  Not waiting for an answer, he strode across
the deck, making a hard left past the navigational instruments and lowered
Jack's limp body onto a soft divan tucked into a semi-darkened corner.

He pulled a set of elastic cuffs from his deep pocket and zipped them snugly
on Jack's left wrist, securing the other end to a wall-mounted rack beside
the divan.

Then, hands shaking, he gently pulled the stiletto out of Jack's body.  He
made quick work of cleaning the lethal blade and resetting into the
spring-loaded sheath concealed inside his jacket sleeve.

The Doctor watched silently, taking note of the man's blanched skin, the
constant shudder that raked his slender frame. The diamond tears shimmering
in his eyes.

The man was in love with Jack, no doubt about it.

"Why?" The Doctor asked softly, drawing Hart's attention from Jack.

The man scowled. "Why what?"

"Well," the Doctor drawled as was his habit, his hands waving in the air
toward Jack. "Lots of things, actually, but to start, why did you kill him?"

"It won't stick. Never does."  Hart threw back cockily. He wandered back to
navigation and poked at some of the controls. "And when he revives he'll be

The Doctor waited for more.

Hart simply grinned back.

Sighing, the Doctor asked, "Why is he here? Last time I saw him he was going
back to his friends."

"Earth happened." Hart sneered, his voice pure hate. "Humans happened."

"I don't understand."

"Why should you?" Hart snarled. "Who the hell are you anyway? How do you
know Jack?"

"Me, well, I'm The Doctor. I..."

"Jack's doctor?"

The Doctor nodded, wandering closer to Jack's body.  "How long until.."

"Varies." Hart inserted himself between the Doctor and Jack's body. "I don't
think Jack wants to come back. Think he fights the healing."

"You were going to tell me what changed him? Why he left Earth?"

"Was I?" Hart settled down on the divan next to Jack and took the lifeless
man's cold hand in his. "Guess it won't do any harm." He spoke softly
telling how all but one of Jack's team had died in quick secession. How the
people Jack had trusted had ordered his assassination. Had ambushed him.
Sealed a bomb inside his belly. How Jack had died in a haze of red mist as
that bomb detonated. How Jack had regrown his body from the three bloody
lumps that had survived the explosion. He spoke quietly, numbly of the pain,
the anguish that that regeneration had caused Jack. How his people had
mounted an amazing rescue and broken Jack out of a concrete tomb that the
government operative had sealed him in alive. How Jack had lost Ianto. Jack
had been quieter when he returned from his own death after Ianto.  Less sure
of himself, but his daughter's faith had stirred him enough to continue down
that nightmare path that ended in, by his own hand, Jack had sacrificed his
own grandson to save the planet's children.

"Your precious humans took everything he had to give, but it wasn't enough."
Hart's grim tale ended in almost a whisper. "He wants to die. To be with

Inside the heart of the T.A.R.D.I.S, the sentient part of that vessel
listened to each heart-breaking word.

And was enraged.

end this chapter

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