[Makebelieve] Ficlet: If You Leave Me Now - Torchwood - Jack/Ianto - FRC

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Wed Apr 14 21:41:38 PDT 2010

Title: If You Leave Me Now
Author: PEJA
Fandom: Torchwood
Charaters/Pairing (portrayed by): Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)/Ianto Jones
(Gareth David Lloyd)
Rating: FRC
Prompt: From the All_Unwritten LJ - Prompt #932 – Lost puppy
Words: 463
Summary: Jack can't bear to see Ianto unhappy
Genre: slash
Disclaimer. Torchwood does not belong to me. no money made in this
Chapter number if WIP: One-off
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Note: The prompt comes from a site that only accepts original fiction and
drabbles, so...opps?

Ianto Jones had the look of a lost puppy. A look Jack Harkness recognized
with pained regret each time it shadowed Ianto's striking features. A look
Ianto wore far too often. That dreaded look that alerted Jack that the young
man, his most precious lover, feared that Jack had strayed.


He'd been sloppy mentioning the soldier in the bar to Martha. Then to
stupidly try to shrug it off as strictly business.  Ianto would accept damn
near anything, but if he got it into his head that he was being played.


Jack raked through his hair, messing the carefully sculpted coiffure.

He was handling Ianto all wrong.  He knew he was... and he was going to lose
the man if he didn't wise-up. Damn soon.

Just thinking of Ianto turning him away set him in a panic. He dashed across
the room, gathering a surprised Ianto in his arms.

“What are you...” Ianto stiffened against Jack's apparent  attempt o squeeze
the life out of him. Scowling his impatience, Ianto braced his arms against
Jack's chest, refusing the comfort Jack desperately needed to give him.


“Jack, let go.” Ianto interrupted, shaking his head, his anguish shining in
his own blue eyes. “Jack, we need to ....”

Jack subdued him easily, capturing his gaze with his eyes. “Ianto, please.
I...” He choked on the words straining to escape. “I...Dammit, Ianto, I love

Ianto stilled, the resistance going out of him.  “Wha...What did you say?”

Jack swallowed against the lump in his throat. “I love you.”

Ianto's head moved in the negative.

“I do.” Jack held his gaze, letting his love shine through like a radiant
beacon.  “I don't deserve you. I'm  an outrageous flirt. I don't think I can
stop that.  Don't know if its in my nature, but I won't cheat on you if
you'll only stay with me.   And I swear I don't want to hurt you. Your
happiness is the most important thing in the world to me. In the whole of
time. Please, Ianto...”

Smiling, Ianto silenced him with a testing kiss.


“You do know that every word you just said was recorded, right?”  Ianto
arched a brow, tilting his head toward the web cam they stood before.  The
one with the blinking red light. “You can't deny ever saying it.”

Jack laughed softly, his lips hovering against Ianto's. “Not something I
ever want to deny,” he whispered as he pressed that little bit closer to
devour Ianto's lips in a kiss that left nothing in question.

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