[Makebelieve] Fic: Pet Freak - Torchwood - Jack/Charles, Emily/Alice

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 21:17:37 PST 2010

Summary: Charles confronts Jack about Montague, and Jack uses in masculine
wiles to deflect, until....
Fandom: Torchwood
Spoilers: Major ones for the short story "The Baby Farm" from the novel
"Consequences". If you plan to read the book, consider carefully before
reading this.
Genre: slash
Characters/Pairing: Jack Harkness (John Barrowman)/Charlies Gaskell
(Cornelius Macarthy),
Implied Pairing: Alice Guppy (Amy Manson)/Emily Holroyd (Heather Craney)
Note: Charles and Alice appeared in "Exit wounds", Alice and Emily appeared
in "Fragments"
Rating: FRT
Warning: Not so much
Challenge/Prompt: Torchwood - short story related - new book - Consequences
- The Baby Farmers - Am reading the first story inthe new book released this
month(?) that flashes back to the era when Jack began working with
Torchwood. brought back memories of those two tough ladies Alice and Emily
and I though I'd like to see them playing a little cuddle games, so since I
don't really do femme...well, here's hoping some of you out there are
willing to take pity on me and write me some Alice and Emily, with maybe  a
dash of Charles playing with the Torchwood "pet freak" as he fondly calls
Jack.  As usual, to keep the story in line with the various lists, you may
use the present day pairing of your choice to keep Jack's place in time in
balance. (or post the story as OT)   * New characters and pairing on wwombs:
Alice Guppy, Alice/Emily, Emily Holroyd, Charles Gaskell, Jack/Charles
Acknowledgments/Notes: General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting
short fics and improvs in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words
Permission to archive to WWOMB: yes. Elsewhere with permission.
Author's websites:
Disclaimer. Torchwood does not belong to me. no money made in this

Pet Freak

"Admiral Montague is dead."

Jack Harkness never turned his attention away from the night sky, the only
sign that he may have even heard his visitor at all was when he lifted his
face until the moon bathed his eternal beauty in a halo of angelic silvery
light. This slight  movement, however, got the response he'd sought from the
grim voiced man. Jack's sensual lips twitched ever so slightly at the sound
of his visitor's hitched breath, the heat of his body coming to rest like a
gentle caress at his back.

"An animal attack, they're saying." Charles Gaskell murmured, trying very
hard to ignore the proud beauty as his dark hands moved up Jack's blue shirt
sleeves, not holding, simply ...brushing.  A tease's touch.  "Brutal." He
breathed into Jack's ear.

Hedouisticly sensual before anything else, Jack luxurated to the tremors
Gaskell's warm breath sent racing through his slender body.

"So tell me, Jack," Haskell nibbled at Jack's lobe, sending a new rush of
shudders through the other man.  "Did you have anything to do with the

Jack let his head drop onto Gaskell's shoulder, turning his face into the
muscular neck. He breathed Gaskell's scent deeply, greedily through both his
nose and mouth before answering. "Does it matter?"

Gaskelll's full lips pressed and lingered in Jack's dark hair. "So you did
have a hand in it."

"Let's just say I arranged an...introduction." Jack's soft tongue made a
leisurely swipe over Gaskell's neck, purring his enjoyment in the taste of
his young, breath-taking lover and drawing a responding growl from the man
holding him in a suddenly aggressive, possessive embrace.

"An animal attack, Jack?" Gaskell managed to keep is focus.  By the gritting
of his strong white teeth.

Jack turned in Gaskell's arms. He tilted his head seductively, slanting a
lusty glance through his dark lashes. Slathering on his impeccable charm
with a thick palate knife technique.   "They were children, Charlie.
Innocent children." Diamond bright tears glistened in his eyes. "Montague
corrupted a regal race. Reduced a gentile, sentient people to monsters." He
released a shuddering sigh. "He got what he deserved."

"The man was ripped to shreds."  Charlie's hands captured Jack's face,
forcing him to meet his eyes.  "Alice said it looked like he was mauled by

"He got what he deserved."  Jack ground out once more, glaring.  "What?" he
demanded a storm brewing darkly in the blue of his eyes.  "What, Charlie?
You saw what he was authorizing.  You know the horror he put those dead
human babies through. He fed human infants to his creations. He  reduced the
amphibian infants to barbaric, dangerous animals. You want me to feel pity
towards that....that pyscho-path? And do you want to know why, Charlie? Do
you? He did it to create an army of what he considered animals. Small
sacrifice, sending his genetically mauled army to battle, as long as none of
the realm elite had to serve. "

"You were there, as well. You saw....Jack, at the very least the children on
the Hades were alien, very probably savage...Most assuredly dangerous.
Christ's blood, man. They would have killed us if we hadn't gotten off that

"Amd whose fault is that. They were children," Jack snapped. "Sentient

"Alien children."

Gaskell knew his fatal error the moment the unthinking words left his lips.
His knowing was confirmed as Jack stiffened in his arms.

"Alien," Jack said without emotion.   He didn't need emotion. Not when it
was all screaming from his stance, from his guarded glare.  "Yes, How
foolish of me to forget.... all things alien are not ever to be trusted,
isn't that right, Gaskell?  Used for Queen and country, certainly. Captured,
tortured, imprisoned, but never trusted as an equal to the bloody superior
human species."

Oh, God, He hadn't mean it.

Jack's harsh gaze reminded Charles that he may appear human, but he only
knew one man who ever died and walked the earth again, and that was only
once, not time after time. Jack may have the face of a fallen angel, but he
sure as hell was not of a heavenly mind-set.  Not according to any bible
Gaskell had ever read.

Some of what Gaskell was thinking must have showed on his face because Jack
shoved out of his arms, sneering. "Its like you always say, Gaskell. I'm
nothing more than the pet freak you all pet and stroke and play with when
you want something." He hissed. "That's all Jack Harkness, alien, is always
gonna be when it comes right down to it, right? Torchwood's pet freak."

"Jack," Gaskell reached for him, wanting nothing more than to kiss away the
hurt he had put in those expressive blue eyes.

Jack flinched away from his touch, backing away into a the shadows. "Go
away, Gaskell. Go fuck your pretty barmaid. Your human barmid."

"Jack, please..."

Jack shook his head, unable to speak past the tightness in his throat. He
snatched up his greatcoat and dashed from the room, leaving Gaskell alone in
the room.

Alone to wonder if Jack would be back.

God, Gaskell hoped against hope that he would.

Three hours.

He slumped down in the nearest chair. He would give Jack three ours before
he sought out Emily and Alice in their quarters, God save him, for they had
had that hungry look in their eyes as they retired tonight and would not
appreciate their games interrupted, and report him on the run. Three hours
before he set the might of Torchwood on his precious Jack's heels.

Please, God, let him be back before the ladies found out he was gone.

He owed Jack that much.


this is a new pairing for me. Feedback would be a good gauge to knowing if
there is a desire for more of these two, so please speak to me

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