[Makebelieve] Requested Fic: New Kids In Town - torchwood/league of extraordinary gentlemen - Jack/Ianto, league ensemble - FRT

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 23:33:16 PDT 2010

Title: New Kids In Town
Author: peja

Summary: There's a new group of adventurers in Cardiff.
Fandom: Torchwood/League of Extraordinary Gentleman
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones, [John
Barrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd]
1. Allan Quatermain [Sean Connery] 2.Captain Nemo [Naseeruddin Shah] 3. Mina
Harker [Peta Wilson]
4. Rodney Skinner (The Invisible Man) [Tony Curran] 5. Tom Sawyer [Shane
West] 6. Dr. Henry Jekyll / Edward Hyde [Jason Flemyng]
Rating: FRT
Prompt: Request (Second request) from hab318princess (LJ)
Jack / Ianto and the Invisible man [The League of Extraordinary Gentleman]
(there is novel where Ianto turns invisible [ pack animals])
Note: I asked for additional suggestions to flesh out the request. This
suggestion was sent by Lopaka Tanu [CompleteKingdomOfSlash] - Possible plots
could entail time travel for one or the other.
"Request a Fic" fandoms & titles: 1. NCIS - Who Do I Have To F... 2.
Andromeda - Angels 3
3. NCIS - Sometimes I'm wrong 4. Torchwood - Unnamed Series 1: Pheromones
5. Torchwood/League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen - New Kids In Town
Next up: Die Hard 4- something Matt/John (ideas, anyone?)
Warnings: I guess this would qualify as crack?
Genre: General Slash
Permission to archive to WWOMB: (Y/N)
Disclaimer.  Torchwood and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen do not belong
to me. No money made in this

Jack and Ianto stood side by side on the wharf, studying the fantastical
vessel that had sailed through the rift no more than half an hour ago.

"Looks like a massive metal fish." Jack commented, bouncing on his feet like
an excited little boy.

"The Nautilus,"  Ianto intoned. "In fiction, the Nautilus was a submarine
built by one Captain Nemo., no first name,  a madman intent of conquering
the world as he knew it.

"A madman?" Jack asked softly."You really consider him mad?"

"At the very least he was a terrorist, willing to kill to make a point."

"He was a man before his time."

Ianto's lips tightened. "An environmental terrorist, Jack. Plain and simple.
And a kidnapper, in the end."

"Nothing of the sort," A disembodied voice spoke softly behind them. "My
freaky friends are unsung heroes.   Agents of Her Majesty's own service.
Even though they are less than enthusiastic about that."

Jack and Ianto spun about, guns in hand, searching for the source of the
elusive words.

The click-click of a Winchester sounded behind them, then another. "You
might want to be rethinking your next actions." a cultured English voice
floated to them from the Submarine.

Jack turned back, a wide grin on his handsome face to take in the older
gentleman holding his rifle at the ready, a younger blond. "And why would
that be?"

With a ferocious rush of air, Jack's Webbley whirled out of his hand with
Ianto's own gun following suit moments later.

A dark-haired woman seemed to appear out of thin air. She smiled, displaying
a set of very pointed and sharp incisors. "May I introduce the lovely Mina
Harker, widow to Jonathan Harker. "

Ianto leaned his head toward Jack. "An invisible man, two characters out of
the old wild and now a lady vampire. Interesting crew."

"Begs to wonder who is next out of the bottle."

Ianto nodded, his eyes tracing to where his gun lie uselessly several yards
away.  "And how dangerous they are."

"I assure you," The older man quipped, scrambling down the side of the
submarine, then waiting while the younger man joined him. "We are not your
enemy." His clear blue gaze swept the docks. "Allen Quartermain at your
service." He extended a hand to Jack who accepted it and introduced himself
and Ianto in turn. "I can't say I recognize this as my London." Quartermain

"You're in Cardiff, not London." Ianto disclosed, letting his gaze travel up
the darkly colored gown worn by Mina.  "Not from the 21st century, are you?"

"Is this the 21st, then?" Quartermain asked, turning slowly to take in the
scenery with rapt attention. "Air stinks."

"Eighteen century wasn't a rose garden, as I recall, either," Jack remarked.

Quartermain turned back to him, his sharp gaze picking out each strength and
weakness. "Makes you a bit long in the tooth." the young man said.

"Be polite, young Sawyer. These fine folks are our hosts. "My fine young
friend, Tom here, can be a bit waspish at times.

"Are those your actual names?" Ianto blurted out suddenly.

Tom turned a youthful scowl on him. "Why do you ask?"

"Ianto is concerned because you are all fictional characters in our time.
Not real people."

"Nonsense," Yet another man popped out of the Nautilus and sauntered toward
them. A stiff backed man of apparent Indian heritage followed. the wiry man
held out his hand "Dr. Henry Jekyll. This is my good friend, Captain Nemo."

"No first name?" Ianto asked.

Jekyll tilted his companion a sideways glance. "Never came up, I guess," He
shrugged. "Does it matter?"

Ianto glared at the West India Captain. "Only if he has world domination on
his mind."

Jekyll lifted a dark brow, but let the comment pass, saying instead,
"Rodney, I thought you might be getting a bit chilled."

"Nah, after a bit the parts just go numb and I don't feel anything any
more," Skinner drawled. "Just the same." An invisible hand snatched the long
coat Jekyll held out and slipped it over his clear body, taking care to
button it down the front. He slide the accompanying hat onto his head.
"Better.  Now, to business..."

"Business?" Jack repeated.  "You have business with us?"

"Well, if you are Torchwood, and I have it on good faith you are, yes.
We're here to offer our services."

"You're looking for jobs?"  Ianto shook his head. "Not world domination,

"Well, now, that might be open for discussion.  I've always rather liked
ring of King Jack."

"You are king in the bedroom. That's enough."

"Only because you're my devoted courtesan, Ianto."  Jack laughed, extending
his hand to Quartermain. "Welcome to Torchwood.  If you'll all follow me, we
have some forms to fill out...."


would really like to hear what you think of this thing.

END NOTE: Requests are still being taken, so if there is something you're
interested in seeing from me, in the fandoms I write, or not, provided I can
find them somewhere to check out in a timely fashion, this is the time to
let me know.  If you're interested in a specific WIP chapter, tell me as
well. I like to know someone would like to read the work I put out, and this
is a nice way of getting that message across to me.
I'm also taking plot ideas for League (Find I quite enjoyed these
characters) and Die Hard 4...Marianne asked for anything Matt/John so could
really use some ideas  for the next story.

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LJ - http://community.livejournal.com/barrowmanland
DW - http://barrowmanland.dreamwidth.org
IJ - http://asylums.insanejournal.com/barrowmanland
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Author's email: makebelievearchive at gmail.com

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