[Makebelieve] Fic: Tears Of The Wolf 3 (xf) Krycek/?

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Tue Oct 26 10:24:28 PDT 2010

Note:  This was posted to the journals and archive a couple days ago.
Just hadn't sent the thing out on the lists yet, but as I'm working on
the next part today...

Tears Of The Wolf 3

Summary: After colonization, the survivors were confined to camps.
Several years later, a stranger is thrust onto the ex-agents.
Fandom: X-Files
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Time will tell. For now ensemble.
Rating: FRT
Prompt: Does Halloween count?
Warnings: dark themes, AU,
Genre: (General/hetero/slash)undecided, but leaning toward slash,
Mulder/Krycek, Skinner/Krycek.
Series or WIP: WIP
Chapter 1 URL: http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/viewstory.php?sid=48522
Chapter number if WIP: Chapter 3
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Acknowledgments/Notes: This is the continuation of a tease I posted on
LJ awhile back.
Disclaimer. X-Files does not belong to me. no money made in this

Part 3

The man who once was sat watch over the body of his companion as the
hours dragged, day into night.  As the day had grown hotter, he'd
moved his faithful partner into a den of sorts, basically a corner of
the enclosed camp that provided some small measure of shade against
the hammering heat of the sun via the boarded observation walk-about.

The unlucky inmate, or guard, who dared, through intent or mere
mishap, approach too closely were greeted by a feral creature who in
no way resembled a civilized man. He would snap from his position,
head resting across the wolf's dead body, to his hunches. An eerie
non-human growl rumbled from his chest and his body coiled,
broadcasting his eagerness to bring the unfortunate soul down under
gnashing teeth.

A warning flashed through the camp to avoid the area. The prisoners
had enough on their plate to add another danger. The guards had heard
the horrific story of a massacre that had resulted in the capture of
this one wild man.  Several families would be weeping for their own
loss, their loved ones ruthlessly brought down by the cunning of a man
wolf assassin. They chose to exercise common sense where the new comer
was concerned.

Mulder was not one to lean toward the safe side of common sense
though. He jumped into shark infested waters on a regular basis. This
time was no different. He was drawn back time and again to confront
the non-communicative man-wolf.

The crunch-sloosh, crunch-sloosh of feet approaching screamed at the
man who once was hat someone was getting too close to his claimed
territory. He shoved up from his prone position, green eyes darting
around, finding Mulder and then dashing on to ensure no one else was
with him.

Mulder stopped, as he always did, just shy of the invisible line the
man-wolf had drawn in the dirt.  He squatted down and grinned. "It's
only me."

Eyes narrowing, he lifted his head and his nostrils flared, scenting
the air, and the man.


He uttered his eerie canine whimper.

"Come on, Krycek." Mulder asked softly. "How long are you going to
keep this up?"

Frowning, the new-comer's lips silently formed the name, then winced
as if in pain. The human had spoken Krycek over and over. Each time it
sent a ripping jolt through his head.  He whimpered now as the agonies
burned through him.

"The pod...The group of people I bunk with have been instructed to
show you the ropes, Krycek." Mulder told him, inching forward.

The man-wolf rocketed to his feet, his body coiling in preparation to pounce.

end part 3
and so....continue? drop it? Ideas on what you'd like to see happening?

Oh...Walter's aware of a problem loading the squidge site. He'll get
it back ASAP


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