[Makebelieve] Fic: Your Tears Fill Me Up - torchwood/torchwood miracle day - Jack/Ianto - AU

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Thu Apr 7 16:39:49 PDT 2011

Your Tears Fill Me Up
by Peja	

Summary: Ianto isn't done with Jack yet, and with Jack's return to
Earth, he has another chance to prove it.
Fandom: Torchwood, Torchwood: Miracle Day
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Jack/Ianto
Rating: FRT
Prompt: a self-imposed one,to bring Ianto back in an MD way
Warnings: not so much
Genre: slash
Series: no
Sand-box [open series]: Y)
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y.
Acknowledgments/Notes: Hey, Mr. Davies, Take note of how easy it is to
give Ianto fans their darling back, and still follow the direction of
Disclaimer.  Torchwood and Torchwood: Miracle Day do not belong to me.
no money made in this
Comm/List Written for: (opt)
Author's websites:

Jack Harkness wondered if he was finally losing his mind. He had only
been back on Earth for a couple weeks and the graves of his past had
been pressing in on him hard and heavy ever since. Well, truth be
known, they had only been slightly lessened during his time away. Who
knew ghosts were into space and time travel? Still he had to wonder if
his grief had finally toppled him into a psychotic break. Not
believing the figure approaching him in the far from crowded bar could
be real, he gulped the tumbler of whiskey in front of him, downing
nearly half the glass and welcoming the bite of the strong drink. The
figure was still there. looking dour as a judge with the cramps. He
made to take another deep swallow.

A firm grip on his wrist prevented him from guzzling the brimming
glass. "Enough, Jack."

His voice.  Impossible, but there...Oh, how he had missed the soft
music that was that lilting voice.

He fought the forceful grip he imagined holding him in place. The
whiskey sloshed over his already stained shirt sleeve, making him
grimace. "Damn strong hallucination," he muttered.

"You've had enough, Jack."

Jack stared into the glittering blue eyes of his hallucination,
chuckling a little hysterically. "Never had the guts to tell you I
love you, Ianto." he whispered once he got back control enough to

"I know, Jack," The apparition told him with a gentle smile. "I have
always known." He stared into Jack's listless gaze, smiling softly.
"Come on, now." He gently removed the whiskey glass from Jack's hand
and set it aside, just out of his reach. "No more."

Tears filled Jack's eyes. "I miss you, Ianto.  I ...wasn't ready
to..." His mind flashed back to the last moments he'd shared with the
man haunting him. That last breathless kiss on still lips.

Oh God, how he'd wanted to protect this man. To breath life back into him...

And he'd tried. If only he'd had enough life in him to... "Ianto....?"

"And the light goes on." Ianto whispered, leaning in close enough to
share breaths. "Finally."

Tears washed Jack's face as his trembling hand traced Ianto's cheek.

"Kind of amazing, that kiss of yours, isn't it?" Ianto confirmed. "Or
is it the new ...what should we call it, miracle?  Or horror,
confronting dear Mother Earth."

Jack's thoughts flashed back to holding Ianto as he died. Remembered
once again that last  bitter-sweet kiss, given with his final breath.
"I thought..."

"That it had failed? Yeah, well, didn't, did it?  I'm standing here in
front of you very much resurrected. Just took awhile to kick start.
Well, you were dead quite awhile yourself after that dying, weren't
you. Took you hours to revive, from what I heard. Stands to reason,
though, doesn't it? You died giving me the kiss. Took a lot out of
your ready reserve. Me, I had to wait for the spark of life to flare,
but flare it did and here I am. Right as rain. Or as good as,


"Think about it, Jack. You did to me what your Rose did to you. Not as
sudden, but same result. How did you feel about it when you realized
what had happened?"

Jack nodded dumbly, "Ah...gotcha...Bit earth shattering, isn't it? But
I don't regret you being alive. I don't regret it for even a
heartbeat." A sudden grin solar-flared across his no longer haggard
features. "Think you an handle a committed relationship with a
habitual flirt?"

"Don't you mean to say outrageously habitual flirt," Ianto corrected.
He cupped Jack's face. "I'm sorry you had to wait so long for me to
rejoin you, My Jack. So very sorry." He shrugged as if what he was
saying was commonplace. "Think you can deal with having me around for

Jack wrapped Ianto in his arms, hanging on almost tight enough to send
the younger man into a forced resurrection. "Wouldn't want it any
other way."

Ianto slugged Jack in the shoulder, and not in a playful way. In is
exuberance, Jack was crushing the life right out of him and it didn't
feel at all good. "Need to breath, here, Harkness. Not so much looking
to  experience a crushing death at the hands of my lover."

Jack eased up on Ianto's rugged frame, sneaking in a quick tasting
kiss for good measure. "At least not so soon after returning to him,

Ianto suppress his dry smile, not so quickly that Jack didn't catch
the subtle twitch of lips. He had an eye for Ianto's quirks so he was
always on the ready to ready any tell.  He rose from his chair,
trapping his lover between his body and the bar and pressed a sensual
assult that Ianto readily met head, or lips, on with a eagerness of
his own.

"Hey, hey, hey..." The bartender spoke up from the far end of the
highly-polished oaken bar when hands searched a little bit more deeply
into gray areas of public etiquette. "This is a public place, boys.
Take it home, why don't ya."

Which they did. With great haste.


So, read any other Torchwood: Miracle Day yet? <g>


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