[Makebelieve] Fic: Stalker - Lancer - Johnny/Scott - short

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 16:14:42 PST 2012

by Peja
Summary:  Johnny Madrid is in love	
Fandom: Lancer
Characters/Pairing: Johnny Madrid lancer/Scott Lancer
portrayed by James Stacy/Wayne Maunder
Rating: FRT
Prompt: From fanfic50.livejournal.com Table 1 Prompt 1 - Love
Warnings: brother love
Genre: slash
Series: no, just a quicky drabble like sort of thing
Sand-box [open series]: Y, f anyone is inclined
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Disclaimer.  Lancer does not belong to me. no money made in this
Author's websites:

Johnny Madrid was in love.

Oh, not that sappy, moon-eyed love that pretty, little Teresa O'Brien
rambled on and on about until he wanted to creep into a deep, dark
hole in the ground, preferably under a lake, where she would never
find him. Nope, not that kind of love at all. His love was darker,
more dangerous. A love that seared the flesh from his bones and left
him gasping for air whenever the object of his affection got within a
thousand yards of him. The kind of love that made him want to climb
mountains and soar with the eagles...Or vultures, if his father ever
caught wind of it.

Yep, his love was trouble. He loved none other than his agonizingly
superior, ain't no one good enough for him, brother, Scott friggin'
Lancer. If Johnny was honest with himself, he would proclaim that he
loved Scott in a way that ate at his soul every time said brother's
lip curled in distaste, and that was more often than he cared to admit
even to himself.

And truth to tell, it didn't matter if the guy ever found out, because
even if Scott shot him dead through the heart, his love would remain,
haunting and relentless.


His was the love of a stalker.

His grin held a universe of sly secrets as he hunkered down in the
shade of the old oak tree to watch Scott saunter about the corral.

Sure 'nuff, he was going to hell.

Wasn't love grand.


Writers, if you like this, how about sending something of yours back.


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