[Makebelieve] Fic: Little Boy Lost 4 (Remy/o, implied Logan/Remy, anticipated) PG

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Wed Jul 19 00:39:27 PDT 2006

this is short, but i wanted to get something done for the darn thing. let me
know what you think

Little Boy Lost 4
by peja

Archive: yes to WWOMB
Fandom: Xmen/Dr Strange
Pairing: Remy/omc
Summary: Logan meets with the changed Remy
Warning: Angst/Rentboy/non-con
Author's note: I don't write accent well...so I don't write accent at all.
If this bothers, please exit left.
Author's Note 2: Although I write in a great many fandoms, this is my second
foray into writing XM. first into Dr Strange.....I am not up on the canon so
I will invent where it pleases and use sleight of ...muse when I can. Note
3: I wrote this to christen the new XM LJ at
Category: x-overs > X-Men/Dr Strange - Genres: Slash - Rating: FRT -
Over-All Warnings: Angst, AU, Non-con, Rentboy fic -
Dedicated to bluepenwriter and BJ who requested -- "Little Boy Lost" --
through CompleteKingdomofslash
If You missed any part of this story,

In the blinking of an eye, Logan found himself in the middle of a dark
street, the strange mage beside him. For anyone other than a man experienced
in the ways of the X-Men, he might have been very disconcerted by the sudden
location change. As it were, he merely stifled a half-voiced rumbling growl
of displeasure.

Not bothering to hide his cunning smile, Strange lifted an imperious hand.
"He is there."

Logan followed the arrogant wave toward the mouth of a dark alley, his
narrowed gaze landing on their missing teammate.

Remy was draped against a rather grim looking man, slanting seductive looks
up at him from under under to die for black lashes as he ran his hand over
the john's chest and slanting him coy glances.

For reasons he didn't bother to analyze, the sight boiled Logan's blood. He
dashed across the street and physically separated the two men. Turning a
violent glare at the protesting john "Take a hike, bub."

"Ah, Cher," Remy purred, a practiced smile lingering on his full lips as he
rubbed himself over Logan's body, his hand stroking the other man's chest.
"I am more than willing to pleasure ya both."

The stranger knocked his hand away. "I don't share, slut." He strode away
without looking back.

Remy stared after him with a pronounced pout for a long moment, then turned
his attention full on Logan, flashing a wanton smile and reaching down to
cup Logan's throbbing package. "Mmmm, cher. You have something for me, hey?
Something long and hard?"

"Can it, Rem," Logan snarled. "I've come to take you home."


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