[Makebelieve] Fic Lizards And Teddy Bears 3 (NCIS) D/G (AU - slash)

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Mon Jul 23 23:18:24 PDT 2007

Lizards And Teddy Bears 3

Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, Tony DiNozzo/Jenny Shepard
Portrayed by  Michael Weatherly/Mark Harmon, Michael Weatherly/Lauren Holly

Rating: FRAO overall, this chap FRT
Summary: Tony wakes to his worst nightmare, or is it...
Warning: This has shades of Het. Sorta, MPreg
Previous chapters on my LJ begin at
http://peja1956.livejournal.com/38121.html then follow the links or on my
story page on makebelieve,
Note: This was inspired by a post sent to NavyNCISslash awhile back, asking
the name of an episode where Tony finds a lizard in his bed, the lizard
morphed. Doesn't take much to warp the warped.
Special thanks to Dreams_Flight who requests another chapter of "Lizards and
Teddy Bears"
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing
List Written for: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NavyNCISslash
My stories are posted first to my LJ at http://peja1956.livejournal.com then
to the lists that the story fits and finally to the Makebelieve archive,
http://www.squidge.org/~peja/cgi-bin/search.php?action=recent Don't miss a
thing by keeping tabs on either the Journal or the archive.
Authors Note: I recently challenged myself to increase my writing output by
posting every couple days, not months as I've been doing lately. To do this,
I am taking requests by email, WWOMB review and LJ comments for WIPS that
the readers are interested in seeing completed. Each request is filed in
order of my reading it and equals a new chapter for the WIP. Everyone should
know, I'm only writing the WIPs that have requests so get you requests in. A
second part of the challenge is to write something for each of the lists I
own. I'm getting this done by request as well. to get a new fic for any
fandom, simply send me an improv and simple challenges in the various
fandoms. Please mention the fandom, and you can also ask for specific
characters. If I feel comfortable writing it, I'll add it to the pending
stories rotation as they come to my attention as well. If you don't get a
confirmation from me, I missed the challenge request. Post me again.

Part 3

Tony stirred in his sleep, mumbling his lover's name.

"I'm here, Tony," Jethro tightened his hold on the over-heated body
slightly."I'm here."

A sensual whimper parted Tony's lips as he wriggled deeper into the
comforting embrace. "Hot..."

Gibbs tongue darted, splitting into a fork-shape against Tony's neck,
tasting the subtle increase in temperature, the exotic flavor of DNA
rewriting itself to accept the child cradled deep inside the man. Gibbs had
always savored that blend of his human lovers essence and his own. He moaned
now, as that taste burst over his sensitive buds.

The pleasured sound seemed to penetrate Tony's restless slumber. His lashes
fluttered, then slowly lifted to half mast and a sleepy smile ghosted over
his lips. "Morning."

Gibbs brushed a finger over Tony's lips before he leaned in to claim them
with his own. "Morning, back at ya."

Tony uttered a soft broken sigh. "Any chance you got the number of the
avalanche that hit me, boss?"

A sympathetic smile tugged at Gibbs' lips. "Feeling pretty terrible, are

"Worse." He nodded jerkily. "Worse than the Y virus, maybe even." His hazel
eyes snapped to Gibbs' gaze, fear swirling in their depths. "You don't

"No." Gibbs said quickly, gathering Tony against his chest. "No, of course


Gibbs felt the younger man beginning to shake violently in his arms. he
couldn't let this terrible fear take root in Tony's heart. He deserved
better than that. Deserved the truth. "You're pregnant, Tony."

The color fled Tony's face for a moment, then he laughed brokenly. "Yeah,
right. Give a guy a heart attack, why don't ya? Pregnant? Christ on a
crutch, Gibbs...."

"It's mine." Gibbs shot from the hip. "Ducky was over here last night and
gave you a gene treatment because you're body was rejecting the child."

Tony chuckled, leaning up on his elbows to press a kiss on Gibbs' lips.
"Man, you must have stayed up all night thinking this up..."

"Tony." Gibbs' voice was firm, authoritarian. "You. Are. Pregnant."

Tony dropped back into the pillows, panic spreading over his washed out
features. "You're serious..."


"I...I don't believe it."

"Believe it."


"Nature of the beast." Gibbs growled. "I wanted a child with you. We mated.
The egg was fertilized. You were inseminated with the fetus. Pregnant.
Simple as that."

"But....But, I'm a man?" Tony's voice rose to a high pitched squeak.

"And I," Gibbs' body began to shift, tinge a soft chameleon green. An
amphibian tail slide from the recessed pocket at the base of his spine. "Am
not completely human."

Tony gawked at the creature his lover had become, terror growing on his face
to a living thing. His own skin took on a decided green tinge and he
wriggled out of Gibbs' arms, making a dash for the bath room.

The sound of tony wretching his guts out ricocheted around the room

Gibbs smiled a shark's smile. The baby was definitely making his presence

want more Lizards and Teddy Bears? Another NCIS WIP? Another WIP, or a new
story in another fandom? write me back and let me know

TO MY READERS: In an attempt to improve my story output, I've challenged
myself to write something for each of my lists and post something new every
couple days. At this time I'm only writing stories and WIPs that are
requested, so if you have something you want added to, you know how to get

1. Post me a 5-10 word improv
2. Request a new chapter/sequel to your favorite current story
3. Send me a simple challenge in any fandom.
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