[Makebelieve] Snapshots: Impossible dream (Buffy) X/B

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Sun Jun 17 12:57:58 PDT 2007

Snapshots: Impossible dream
Fandom: buffy
Pairing: Xander/buffy, in his mind
Note: I'm doing little fics over various fandoms. the series is called
Snapshots and can be found on my LJ and the WWOMB (under snapshots series)
Summary: Xander loves
Improv #1: drip, freaky, hooked up, duck walk, fake
Words: 491
Written for http://groups.yahoo.com/group/0oBuffyXanderFanfictiono0_2

She was the most beautiful creature alive. No doubt. Even now...no,
especially now, battle tossed and gasping for breath, with dusted vamp
dripping from the dagger sharp stakes she welded like she'd been born
holding them. She took his breath away.

He leaned up on his elbows, grinning up at her as she strode to his side and
reached down to offer him a hand up. "You okay?"

Xander let himself imagine it to be a question spoken from a deep and
lasting love, even though in his heart he knew he was nothing more to her
than a valued friend. "Yeah, fine." He took her hand and let her tug his
protesting body to his feet. He bit his lip to suppress a soft moan as he
took his weight on his left foot. He'd turned his ankle in that last fall.
Not something he was about to tell buffy about though. He wasn't about to
look weak or fragile to her. "Ya know, it was kinda freaky how those vamps
just sort of popped up like that. Almost like they knew where we would be
patrolling tonight."

Buffy shrugged. "Vamps know things."

"Yeah, but we didn't even know until Giles told us where to be this evening.

Buffy turned on him, hands on hips. "What are you implying Xander Harris? Do
you think maybe I am hooked up with another Vamp...I mean yeah, sure I have
a history. Angel...Spike...but I would never tell anyone where we..."

Xander pulled her into his arms, silencing her with a hard kiss. She
stiffened in his arms for a long moment, then her body melted against his
and she was kissing him back. Hard. Hot. With real passion even she could
not fake.

He broke the kiss reluctantly, cupping her face in one large palm.

Smiling shyly, she gazed into his dark eyes. "Yeah."

They took a step apart, eyes running over each other as if for the first
time, seeing.

Then as if by one single thought, they turned and took up the night's
patrol, both walking with purpose as if the kiss had never happened.

Xander's mind bouncing between his no longer secret desire for the woman at
his side and his desperate hope that he wasn't duck walking on his tender


If you want more snapshots into the lives and times of...let me know what
you think. Bear in mind, this is not one of my main fandoms, and I don't as
a rule do man on woman.

I don't usually write this pairing, so I'm looking to you all for
inspiration. Ya want something more in this fandom, send me a list of 5-10
words and I'll see what pops up
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