[Makebelieve] Fic: Return Of Kincaid: Love Slave 11 (Sentinel/Lexx)

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Fri Sep 14 17:44:13 PDT 2007

 Summary: Breakfast in the Ellison home
Pairing: Blair/Kincaid, implied Blair/Jim Blair/Kia/Jim
Archive: The WWOMB
Series/Sequel: Yes...part of The Return Of Kincaid Series
Disclaimers: Petfly has the rights, but I hold the ideas
Notes: Spoilers for Return Of Kincaid, because this does give some of the
story direction away.
Warnings: This story is the second in the Return of Kincaid series and is
being written at the same time so consider that there are spoilers for the
first story included in this one. .
Rating: FRAO
Categories: slash fiction
Characters: None
Genres: Slash
Warnings: BDSM, Angst, AU, Dark Themes
Previous chapters begin http://peja1956.livejournal.com/51989.html follow
the links to the end

Return Of Kincaid: Love Slave
Part 11

The need to breathe finally broke them apart.

Blair ducked his head shyly, his russet curls hiding his face from Jim's
searching gaze.

"He's adorable, isn't he?" Kai murmured, drawing Jim's gaze. "So responsive.
So...innocent, even after all this time spent in Master Kincaid's dubious

Jim curled a finger under Blair's chin, lifting the smaller man's face to
meet his smiling gaze. "Blair is innocent of everything that happened."

Sucking in a hissing breath, Blair trembled in his master's arms, his eyes
bright with puppy dog hope.

Jim raked his fingers through Blair's curls, capturing the back of his head
tenderly. "So tell me," he broke a crooked grin. "Is there any chance
Carmel's candy binge left any room for a decent breakfast?"

Blanching, Blair squirmed out of Jim's loose embrace and scampered to the
kitchen, trailing behind a string of "Sorry....Sorry....Sorry...." before
Jim could register the sudden change. The sound of clattering pans and
cupboard opening and closing broke him from his stupor.

"What the hell...?" He took a step toward the kitchen only to find Kai's
hand restraining him.


Jim's gaze lingered on the entrance to his kitchen, his ears tuned to the
string of terror drenched self-berating coming from Blair's lips. "What did
I do wrong?" Jim murmured.

"Nothing. One of Blair's duties at the compound was to have Kincaid's meals
ready at a scheduled time." He nodded toward the sofa. "Leave him to it."


"If you interfere with this simple thing, it will only serve to confuse

Torn between wanting to protect Blair from what he saw as insanity and his
own need to support him, heal him, Jim swayed on his feet.

Kai patted the sofa beside him. "Sit."

A sigh of relief parted Jim's lip and he accepted that the decision was made
for him.

"Jim," Kai shifted on the sofa to face the other man. "You can do Blair no
good unless you can accept, first and foremost that he has not rejected this
life, but rather embraced, at least with me."

Jim slumped down, crossing his arms over his chest. "I ....The idea of
punishing him....I love him...I do, but...."

"This isn't about you, Ellison." Kai's dark gaze stabbed into Jim
mercilessly. "If you can not give Blair what he needs you will lose him."

Jim's eyes closed and he nodded.

"You are ready to give him up, then?"

"Hell no," Jim erupted. "Blair is mine, damn you. Stop threatening me."

Kai smiled darkly. "Then wake up and realize I do not issue false threats.
Blair acknowledges my rights to him. Yours, not so much. Put to the test,
who do you think he will remain with?"

Jim glared at the relaxed man for several counts, then sighing heavily, he
nodded. "Point taken."

Kai gifted him with a lazy half-smile. "Listen."


Kai tipped his head in the direction of the kitchen. "Listen."

The frantic distressed sounds that had been flowing from the other room had
been replaced by soft contented humming and the gentle sizzle of bacon

"He's got it under control."


Several moments later, Blair had laid the table for two and ushered Jim and
Kai to their places. He didn't think twice before taking a place at Kai's

Jim swallowed the bitter flash of anger he felt when Blair laid his cheek on
Kai's thigh. "This looks great." he said, feigning a bright smile as he cut
into the done to perfection steak.

Kai sliced off a sliver of his own steak and laid it on Blair's lips. The
other man accepted the offering and chewed slowly. Kai handed him the glass
of orange juice and smiled his approval at the tiny grimacing sip. "Again."

Blair obeyed taking another tiny sip.

"Something wrong with the juice, Blair"

"Kincaid took a perverse delight in mixing some nasty things into Blair's
diet while he was programming him. He targeted things like the drinks and
liquids mostly. I'm afraid its put Blair off orange juice," Kai said softly,
ruffling through Blair's hair affectionately. "He only drinks it because I
ask it of him."

Jim's scowl appeared again as he silently vowed to extract a bit of dire
punishment on Kincaid when they finally brought the man to ground. "He
drinks these noxious algae shakes a lot at breakfast." Jim tossed out, then
frowned. "At least he used to."

"Oh?" Kai offered Blair a forkful of eggs. "Health conscience aren't you,
Pet?" He pressed a mouthful of hash browns on the man at his feet.

Jim chuckled. "I am afraid I've been a bane to his existence where our
selections of foods are concerned."

Kai met Jim's sparkling gaze with a warm smile. "he spoke of you often in
the beginning. Before Kincaid's brain-washing buried you."

Nodding, Jim pushed his more than half filled plate away. "We'll just have
to make new memories, won't we, Blair?"

A sudden knock saved Blair from responding as he bolted across the room to
fling open the door

A distressed, "Oh Jesus….Jim.." announced Simon's presence.

end this part

TO MY READERS: In an attempt to improve my story output, I've challenged
myself to write something for each of my lists and post something new every
couple days. At this time I'm only writing stories and WIPs that are
requested, so if you have something you want added to, you know how to get

1. Post me a 5-10 word improv
2. Request a new chapter/sequel to your favorite current story
3. Send me a simple challenge in any fandom.
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