[Makebelieve] I Can Feel Your Heart Beat

Desidera21 at aol.com Desidera21 at aol.com
Fri Sep 14 20:46:02 PDT 2007

Summary:The I can feel your Heart Beat challenge 
Pairing: Jim/Blair  
Archive: The WWOMB 
Series/Sequel: No 
Disclaimers: Pet fly has  the rights, but I hold the ideas 
Notes: very short Just a bit of  fluff. 
Warnings: None
Rating: none 
Categories:  FICA
Characters: None
Genres: Slash
Warnings: sniplet. in  progress.

I can feel your heart beat
" I Can feel your heat beat."
"I would worried if you couldn't."
Jim punched Blair lightly on the shoulder, 
"Do you have  anything that you are wanting to talk about? Or is this  just a 
random observation?"
"I mean, with your sense's you should be able to hears a duck fart flying  
over head.."
"Drop it. It is just that I hear it ... all the time." 
"Is it bugging you??"
"No... just ..I can feel your heart beat."
Jim paused. Head bent to not look at Blair.
"Now it is getting faster. Sorry I brought it up. Just drop it."
"No Man..that is so Great! How long has this been going on? Is it just me  or 
every one?"
"Every one.. but.. I have to work at it. You.. your there. All the time..  "
"Wow...want me to help you dial it down? That has to so bug you."
"It is sort of like a ticking of a old clock. I would miss it if it  stopped."
"Gee thank's. I feel like a Timex."
"Hey, watch the puns.!"
By the grace of god the phone rang, and Jim had a excuse to get out from  
under the microscope that was Blair's intent scrutinize of his new found fact  
about his hearing.

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