[Makebelieve] Ficlet: Dream Lover - Fringe - Olivia/John, Olivia/Astrid - FRM

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Wed Dec 10 14:49:11 PST 2008

Title: Dream Lover
Author: PEJA
Email: makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Author's websites: http://peja1956.livejournal.com and
Fandom: Fringe
Pairing: Olivia/John, Olivia/Astrid
Portrayed by: Anna Torv/Mark Valley Anna Torvv/Jasika Nicole
Category: Implied slash, het
Rating: FRM, for language
Status: complete, ficlet
Spoilers: sorta kinda, but canon went out the window for the muse
Series/Sequel: nope
Brief Summary: Olivia wonders about her sanity
Prompt: The Show - Fringe - The Character - Olivia Dunham - 1. help, 2. I
don't know, 3. special, 4. desire
Warnings: short, short, short...and really short
Notes/acknowledgments: Written for the Fringe character prompts, and to
christen the new http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Fringe_Fantasies list.
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: Fringe belongs to the folks who created it. the story is all
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A
heads up would be nice as well.

Olivia Dunham's confusion couldn't be more complete even if she had acquired
a bout of swiss cheese amnesia. Since she'd been recruited to baby sit the
brilliant, but more than a little loopy, insane, Frankenstein doctor, Walter
Bishop, her life had been turned upside down and inside out. More times than
not she would have cheerfully taken Alice's place down the rabbit hole.
Talking rabbits and Cheshire cats all most seemed normal to some of the
things she had experienced.

And now she was seeing her dead lover. She was having *sex* with the damn
man. Only he wasn't really there, so was she having sex with...herself, and
wasn't that special... but if she was only having sex in her mind, how come
it felt like the real thing. Oh god, was she going insane? Was it crazy
messed up to feel a very real desire to be held... touched..loved by someone
who only lived in her mind?

If it was, who could she turn to who might really be able help her. Not
Bishop the senior. Oh, to be fair, he had tried to free her from the
imaginary John Scott. Bisphop the junior had his own problems. He wouldn't
even have a clue how to gether free of this fantasy.

What the hell, if she was honest with herself, what would she do if anyone
asked her if she really wanted to be free of Scott, the only truthful answer
she could give would be....I don't know.

John Scott made her happy. Soul blazing, tripping the stairs to heaven
happy. She had loved him when he was alive. Had hated him when he betrayed
her, not just once, but twice. And loved him now, even though he was a
figment of her mind fucked imagination.

Did she want to give him up? Honestly?

Hell no

But then again, yes.

Damn it.

Astrid would freaking kill her if she knew she was cheating on her with a
dead ghost kind of lover. Even if it was only happening in her head. If it
was only happening in her head. Which would mean she was going out of her

Olivia sighed. She was so fucked.


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