[Makebelieve] Ficlet: Panic State - NCIS - Gibbs/DiNozzo - FRT

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Tue Nov 25 12:33:21 PST 2008

Panic state
Author: PEJA
Email: makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Author's websites: http://peja1956.livejournal.com and
Fandom: NCIS
Pairing: Tony/Gibbs
Portrayed by: Michael Weatherly/Mark Hamon
Category: ficlet
Rating: FRT
Status: fini
Spoilers: nah
Series/Sequel:oh no, please
Brief Summary: Gibbs knows, and Tony knows he knows.
Warnings: Nope
Notes/acknowledgments: to batmouse who thought a discussion thread would be
a good prompt. her fault.
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: not mine
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A
heads up would be nice as well.

"I don't know how he knows, but he knows . . . "

"Hm?" McGee asked, looking up from his computer. "Whatcha say, Tony? Who
knows what?"

"Gibbs," Tony said, his voice distracted. "Gibbs knows."

McGee turned his chair, taking a good look at his partner and friend. He'd
never seen the man so visibly shaken, pale...except maybe when he'd been
exposed to the plague...And that time on the black ops ship. Virus' scared
the man almost to a stand still. Not that McGee could fault him for that.

But Gibbs? Tony worshiped the boss. What could Gibbs have found out that
would send Tony into a shaking mass of terror. It wasn't like the man was

Or was he? Oh right, a dog like Tony. The man never missed a chance to go
sniffing after one skirt or another...

On the other hand, what better way for a smart man...a smart gay man..to
cover up his sexual interests than to use misdirection...

And it had never seemed kosher, Tony claiming that honey dust powder he'd
sent Gibbs one Christmas was a mistake. Gibbs had almost been gloating when
he'd announced...But then that might mean...Gibbs? Nah...

Ya think?

McGee leaned back and steepled his fingers over his belly. "Don't worry
about it, Tony. Gibbs is just waiting for you to come out to him. Bet he has
a big first date already planned. Gibbs is like that."

Tny blanched, then blushed brightly. "I...I...I..."

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