[Makebelieve] Fic: Sheriff Taylor - Freak -- Andy Griffith Show -Andy/Barney - FRM - Prompt: Sex toys

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 08:03:48 PDT 2008

Sheriff Taylor - Freak

Fandom: Andy Griffith Show
Pairing: Andy Taylor/Barney Fife
Portrayed by: Andy Griffith/Don Knotts
Category: Slash
Rating: FRM
Status: complete
Spoilers: oh hardly
Series/Sequel: give me a break!!
Brief Summary: Barney discovers anther side of the sheriff
Warnings: BDSM, Sex toys
Notes/acknowledgments: written for the currently running 24 hours story
prompt - sex toys. I wanted to write a story with a canon realistic snoopy
character. Barney just tumbled out of the muse cage like manna
from...well-l-l-l if not heaven, some other dark reality
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: not mine, but its over 5years old, so doesn't that make it free
for all time
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A
heads up would be nice as well.

Barney Fife had never been known for his use of constraint in any area of
his life. In fact, quite the opposite. Everyone who knew Barney for even a
few minutes knew beyond any shadow of doubt that he was a victim of his own
curiosity. And foolishness, vain victim to boot.

So when Andy asked him to take the squad car and get a package out of his
bedroom he could not have made a dumber request if he had delved into the
stupid pond for a quick swim. with Barney there was no expectation of
privacy. Expectations be damned. He was who he was.

Oh to be sure, Barney had no intention on snooping. It was, as it always is,
quite an accident of opportunity. Fate put it out there and Barney being

He'd been moving fast, eager to get the package Andy had asked for and get
back to the office. Might have been that fast grab and run motion that had
served to knock the canvas bag off the over the bar shelf, or maybe it had
just gotten caught on the package. Fate deosn't have to give a reason. Its
fate. Fickle finger of fate that it was.

Barney was half way to the door of the bedroom when the soft thud turned him
back around. His eyes saucered when he saw the bag on the floor. For a
moment, he wavered between trying to stuff the bag back up on the shelf or
making a mad dash for the hills, jumping back and forth and waving his arms
about like he would take flight as a panicked "Oh, Oh, Oh..." bubbled from

Finally he managed to "oh, oh, oh," himself back to a facsimile of control.
tip-toeing, as if there were someone in the empty house to catch him, he
crept back to the closet and bent to pick up the bag. His hand froze mere
inches from the strap. His eyes rounded even more than before, focusing on a
long neon green dildo that had slipped out.

His butt his the floor as his knees gave out under him and he sat there
blinking while time stood still.

"Oh, my," he finally murmured, picking up the alien object, fully intending
to stuff it back into the bag toot sweet, but once it laid heavy in his
hand...Barney being Barney...He weighed the veined toy in his hand, lifted
it to eye level, amazed at how real it looked...if a cock could be bright
green, that is. He gave a nervous chuckled, biting his lip to still it when
it threatened to get out of control. "Oh, my. Oh, my." he chanted, his other
hand stroking the dildo, for several seconds.

And then his glance moved to the photo of Andy on the nightstand. He flushed
and reached for the bag again, jerking it toward him.

A strand of glass balls slid onto the floor.

Amazed at this new delight, he set the dildo aside and fingered the strand
of balls. His brows crimped as he tried to figure out just exactly how..."

"They are inserted in your well lubed ass, Barney."

Barney's head jerked around so fast one might have suspected he'd given
himself whip-lash, if they didn't know Barney often whipped around in just
such a way.


The sheriff straightened from his casual pose, leaning one shoulder against
the door frame. "I got to wondering what was taking you so long getting
back." His blue gaze roamed over the bag of toys spilled out in front of
Barney. "You've been a naughty boy, Barney." Andy plucked up a thick paddle
from the table by the door. "Funny thing is, I've noticed that you've been
watching me with something a bit stronger than friendship in your eyes
lately. Got me to thinking." He started walking toward his deputy, tapping
the paddle against the palm of his hand. "I think its time we ....added a
new level to our...relationship, don't you?"

Barney's eyes lifted to his cousin and he swallowed hard, "Damn, but the
sheriff is a freak." flitted through his head and he grinned, nodding.
"Anything you want, Andy. Anything you want."


feedback would be nice, a response to the prompt even better
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