[Makebelieve] Challenge fic: Wrong - Dr Who/Torchwood - Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness - FRT - ep spoilers, of a sort

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 20:27:39 PDT 2008


Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Portrayed by: David Tennant/John Barrowman
Category: slash
Rating: FRT
Status: complete
Spoilers: can't remember the ep, but yea
Series/Sequel: one ca ever tell, but ..
Brief Summary: Jack ponders his wrongness
Warnings: no
Notes/acknowledgments: written for the phot manip challenge on
ScifiPicsAdult and the wwomb 24 hour prompt "Deal With The devil"
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: Dr who belongs to its creators. The story belongs to me
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Forwarding to other lists: Okay, but keep my name and headers attached. A
heads up would be nice as well.

He abandoned me.

I searched for him, knowing all the time that he didn't want to have me ever
darken his doorstep again. Knowing that he had his own reasons for leaving
me at the end of time.

I had to know those reasons. Had to, as much as I needed to breathe

And finally we did reunite. Oh, it was a joy and yet..an agony. A knife to
the heart.

Wanting to dive into his arms. Wanting to spit in his face.

The aching gnaw that was my need to know seemed almost to devour me. I
longed to cry out ...Why? Why, Doctor?

And in the end, I could no more keep the words inside than he could stop
himself from telling me.

Wrong, he said. I was wrong. Oh no, not that I'd done something wrong. Not
that he had been wrong to love me, and he did love me. I could see it in his
eyes even as he spoke the words, telling me he had abandoned me because *I*
was wrong. By being alive. My very existence. Wrong.

Even now, I have to laugh. Not the happy laugh of joy. No, that will never
be for the Doctor and me. I was wrong. Alive. A life that should never have
been. God's cosmic joke.

And it doesn't matter. Not when The Doctor needs me as much as I need him.
I'm his yin, he's my yang. The original star-crossed lovers, Him and me.
Always together, always apart. Always parting, only to come back to each
other because we can do nothing else.

It doesn't matter, his abandonment. Nothing matters when takes me in his arm
and brushes his lips to mine. When he pulls me down into his lap, or pushes
me into a chair and takes me in his arms all the hurt and betrayal vanish
and we're caught up in a world of everything right.

Where I am right. Where being with me is the only right possible.

Its the deal we made at the beginning of time...Or was it the end. A deal
with the gods of time.

A deal.... with the devil.


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