[Makebelieve] Fic: The Slave 15 - XF

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Mon Jan 12 22:27:18 PST 2009

Summary: Fandom: XFiles
Pairing: Krycek/m
Portrayed by: Nicholas Lea/ Other characters: Special Agent Fox Mulder
(David Duchovny), Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), Assistant
Director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi)
Category: Slash
Rating: Overall FRAO
Spoilers: none
Series/Sequel: n/a
Brief Summary: A video leads to the recovery of Krycek
Warnings: Abuse, Adult Situations, Angst, AU, BDSM, D/s, Dark Themes,
Excessive violence, Hurt/Comfort, implied rape, Love Slave Fic, m/m,
Non-con, SlaveFic, torture
Notes/acknowledgments: This one is dedicated to all the readers who have
sent me the wonderful comments. I really appreciate knowing someone is
reading what I write...Amazed, mind, but very appreciative.
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: not mine.
Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive
Previous chapters

The Slave 15

The determined knocking wasn't going away.

Skinner sighed his aggravation and eased out from under his sleeping lover.
Alex whimpered softly as he lost his make-shift Walter pillow.

"Go back to sleep, boy," Skinner said into the emerald half-masted gaze that
studied him intently. "I'll be right back."

Alex murmured something warm and growly as his eyes drifted closed once

Damn, if that sensual purr of his went straight to the groin... Well, that
growl was even worse.

"Damn boy is gonna give me a perpetual case of blue balls at this rate."
Skinner snatched up his robe and tied it around his tingling body and went
to see who the hell dared come calling at..He glanced at the wrist
watch...Nine o'clock at night.

"Why am I not surprised?" Skinner's brows drew low over hard brown eyes.
"What can I do for the two of you?"

Dana hefted her medical bag toward him. "We thought it might be a good idea
to check on your guest. He took a pretty bad kick to the head and..."

"He's fine." Skinner growled. "He's gone to bed."

Mulder pushed past Skinner, heading for the back of the apartment. "In the
guestroom?" he made it halfway down the hall before Skinner had his forearm
in a steel hard grip. "Hey?"

"My guest is not to be disturbed." Skinner growled.

"It would be best if we checked on Kyrcek, sir," Dana pressed. "Just to be
certain he's suffered no ill effects...."

"...From Mulder's beating?" Skinner interrupted.

Mulder had the grace to blush.

"I think Alex and I will take a chance that he will be all right."

"Sir," Scully paused, waiting for Skinner to meet her eyes. "I think its
important that we...That I see Krycek."

Skinner glared her down a moment, then sighing, nodded. "I'll get him. Wait
in the living room."

"He might not completely wake him if I see him in bed. Just show me where
the guest room is and..."

"Alex is not in the guest room, Scully." Skinner's gaze was cold and

"Not in.." Scully's glance flickered over Skinner's state of undress. One
delicate red brow lifted and her investigative glance swept over the
apartment, cataloging each piece of discarded clothing that had found its
way to the floor, leading a clothing breadcrumb path from the dining table
down the hall past the two glowering men. "Oh...I...see."

"I doubt that," Skinner told her dourly. He waved a hand, turning to his
room. "This way." He didn't wait for them to follow, going into his room and
to Alex' sleeping form. He laid a gentle hand on Alex' shoulder, bending low
to say, "Alex, wake up."

Alex groaned a soft protest and snuggled deeper under the throw.

"Alex, baby come on now, wake up a minute."

One green eye peered out from under the throw, followed by a whimsically
smiling face. "Sir." Alex propped himself up on his elbow and wrapped a hand
around Walter's neck, drawing him down for a passion filled kiss.

"Ah, Jesus..." Mulder grumbled, breaking the two of them apart.

Kyrcek's glance darted toward the other man then back to Skinner. "Am I in
trouble, Sir?"

"Not at all, boy. And just for the record, if we're going to be lovers,"
Skinner murmured softly, tracing Krycek's jawline with a gentle knuckle.
"Don't you think you should call me Walter?"

Krycek smiled his confusion. "Lovers?"

"Ah, Jesus.." Mulder growled from the doorway. "You fucked the little

Skinner felt the tremor that splashed over Alex' form.

"Keep your voice down, Mulder. You're frightening Alex."

Mulder took a menacing step into the room, his hands fisting. "I'll do more
than frighten the bastard..."

Skinner's punch to the jaw took Mulder by surprise, snapping his head back
with the force of a bull dozer. Mulder went down, the lights going out
behind his eyes.

end part 15

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