[Makebelieve] Fic: The Slave 14 - XF - Krycek/Skinner - FRAO

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Thu Jan 8 13:54:36 PST 2009

The Slave
by peja

Summary: Fandom: XFiles
Pairing: Krycek/m
Portrayed by: Nicholas Lea/ Other characters: Special Agent Fox Mulder
(David Duchovny), Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson), Assistant
Director Walter Skinner (Mitch Pileggi)
Category: Slash
Rating: Overall FRAO
Spoilers: none
Series/Sequel: n/a
Brief Summary: Krycek takes control and stakes his claim
Warnings: Abuse, Adult Situations, Angst, AU, BDSM, D/s, Dark Themes,
Excessive violence, Hurt/Comfort, implied rape, Love Slave Fic, m/m,
Non-con, SlaveFic, torture
Notes/acknowledgments: This one is dedicated to all the readers who have
sent me the wonderful comments. I really appreciate knowing someone is
reading what I write...Amazed, mind, but very appreciative.
General thanks to all of you folks who are requesting short fics and improvs
in the various fandoms. You're keeping the words flowing.
Disclaimers: not mine.

Archive: Yes, but ask first, include the complete story and provide a URL to
the archive

Previous chapters

Part 14

Walter nodded, digging into his plate with gusto.

Krycek's eyes followed his movements, then mimicked the older man's actions,
skipping over any attempts to pick up the steak knife, just waiting until
Skinner forked up something that didn't demand cutting.

Walter was halfway through the meal before he took notice of the other man's
nervous antics. "Is there something wrong, Alex?"

Krycek froze, his eyes darting to Skinner's watchful gaze. "No, sir."

"Humpf," Skinner uttered, picking up his own knife and reaching over to cut
the steak on Alex' plate into bite size pieces. "No knives, I imagine?"

Krycek ducked him head with a softly murmured, "No, sir. Thank you sir."

"So if I were to ask you to help in a meal preparation that required you
handle some chopping?"

Krycek opened him mouth to respond, but came up with no answer. His lips
moved wordlessly until he shrugged. "I ...don't know, sir. Commercial
thralls...don't.... chop...?"

Skinner couldn't suppress the chuckle that bubbled from him, or resist the
urge to ruff the sable silk of Krycek's hair. "I don't think the rules of a
commercial thrall applies in our situation," He lifted Krycek's chin and
smiled. "Do you?"

Krycek tilted his head in Skinner's palm, obviously thinking it over. "I
have much to learn if I am to please you, sir."

"You said that already, Alex," Skinner told him patiently. "First thing you
could do to please me is put on some clothes," Skinner mumbled under his

Kyrcek's hands trembled and he set down his fork, his head bowing.
"You...you find this body....unattractive?"

"What?" Skinner studied the submissive man beside him. "Unattractive?" He
shook his head. "I wish." He sighed. "Alex, I find you very...attractive.
Too attractive. You naked and available on my bed, its a chronic wet dream
I've had for years."

"But, then...?" Krycek shook his head, his eyes filled with confusion. "Sir,
I am here to please you. It would be my highest honor if you took this
body... " He blushed prettily. "In any way you desired."

"No." Skinner shook his head. "No, Alex."


"You are not... equipped to consent."

"Consent?" Krycek's brows drew down over his emerald gaze. "I belong to you,
sir. This body is for your pleasure."

"You really don't understand at all do you?" Skinner sighed. "Alex, you are
a man, with a mind, and desires of your own. If I.. used you like that it
would be rape, plain and simple."

"Rape?" Krycek's voice cracked. "Of a thrall?" He frowned, struggling to
understand. "Not possible."

"You have the right to refuse sex to anyone who you don't want."

Krycek shook his head, suddenly frightened. "No..."

"Yes, dammit." Skinner snapped, regretting his sharp tone when Krycek
cringed away. "Listen to me, boy." The sparkle of tears tore at his heart.
"Ah, sweetheart, don't....Don't cry." He moved to him, pulling Krycek into
his arms and pressing a kiss against his neck. "I'm sorry I upset you. It's
just ....Christ, it kills me to see you like this. You were such a....God,
you were a man to be reckoned with. To see you reduced to this..." He
shuddered as Krycek's tears grew into choking sobs. "Alex, please, love, its
alright. I'm sorry. So very sorry."

Krycek turned into Skinner's butterfly kisses, and Skinner suddenly found
himself drowning in a passionate, hungry kiss that pulled him deeper and
deeper into dangerous waters. His brain short-circuited under the
pleasureable assault. He had no idea where his shirt vanished to as Krycek's
hot mouth captured one desperate nipple. The hunger of a starving man went
directly to his groin. He couldn't have backed away if it cost him his last
breath. Yet, he somehow groaned out a soft protest, not knowing if it was
directed to himself or the man tormenting his sensitive skin and then it was
too late to do anything but drown in the sensual excitement. Krycek had
knelt before him, his hot breath searing through cloth, teeth working down
his zip. Magic fingers stroking his exposed flesh to steel hardness. A warm
breath, a kiss that sizzled over the crown of this flesh, a long caress of
tongue along his length and ....oh god, Krycek's throat seemed almost to
milk him into a convulsing explosion of mind and body.

Skinner lost all conscious thought, wrapped in the tender sensations of a
man who professed to worship him body and soul.

when he was finally able to string two toughts together, he was lying naked
and content in bed. And he didn't care. Krycek was curled up next to him,
his head resting on his chest. Was that...Damn, the man was purring his

Skinner reached a nerveless hand up and stroked the silken hair tickling his
sensitized skin.

Damn and double damn, he'd thought the act would be rape. Had it been? And
if it had, who had been raped. He sure as hell didn't feel what had happened
between them had been wrong.

Fuck. Alex purred after sex.



He purred like a fucking contented cat.


The little thrall might appear to be an innocent, but the man buried deep
under that innocence was still a cunning devil.

Skinner tangled his fingers in the silk threads, pulling Alex up to him and
rolled him under his big body, pressing a tender kiss to the other man's
parted lips.


end part 14

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