[Makebelieve] Requested Fic: Love's Never Easy 1: Pheromones - Torchwood - Jack/Ianto

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Wed Jun 9 15:59:52 PDT 2010

Title: Love's Never Easy 1: Pheromones
Author: PEJA
Summary: Ianto wants to know Jack's pheromones aren't influencing beyond his
actual feelings for Jack.
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by):
1. Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones (John Barrowman/Gareth David-Lloyd)
2. Gwen Cooper, Owen , Tosh
Rating: FRAO
Prompt: Request from  hab318princess (LJ) ....
I'll happily take a Jack/Ianto with fighting / making up if you feel it in
Note: I wanted some feedback about what jack and Ianto would fight about, so
I picked the minds of some delightful list and journaling sibs. Got several
wonderful suggestions. To be fair, and as a thank you to the folks who took
the time to send me their ideas, I'll be writing a piece for each of those
suggestions, so this is the start of a series "Love's Dark Side". The fight
idea for this story-ette came from Kate who suggested they fight about
Jack's pheromones.
Warnings:  Angst, H/c
Genre: slash
Series: Love's Never Easy #1
Previous "Request a Fic" fandoms: 1. NCIS - Who Do I Have To F...  2.
Andromeda - Angels 3 3. NCIS - Sometimes I'm wrong  4. Torchwood - Unnamed
Series 1: Pheromones
Next Up - Torchwood/League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Permission to archive to WWOMB. Others, please ask.
Acknowledgments/Notes: I'm doing a "request a fic" on the Journals. So at
the same time I am accepting story and WIP chapter requests. If there is
something specific you would like me to write or continue, now is the time
to let me know, either by going to the journals and entering your request in
the post comments section or by contacting me through FB or directly.
Stories are being written as I find the request, so an obvious notation
helps speed your story.
Disclaimer.  Torchwood does not belong to me. no money made in this


"Can you shut them off?"

Jack lifted his gaze from the file he'd been studying, a frown pulling at
his golden brow. Damn, but Ianto was getting stealthy. Usually Jack could
sense the abnormally silent footed man's approach.  "Beg your pardon?"

Stiff-backed and way to formal for Jack's liking, Ianto glided into Jack's
office.  His usual dourly aloof expression was buried under a distressing
look of agitation that set off all kinds of red flags in Jack's head, making
his nerves all a-jitter. "The pheromones.  Can you control them."

"Control them..?"  Jack was getting more and more concerned by the moment.

"Yes. Can you control them?"

"Control them how, Ianto?"

"I don't know, maybe... suppress them?"

"Suppress them..?

"Just for awhile." Ianto added quickly.

Jack pushed away from his desk, leaning back in his chair.  His steady gaze
moved over Ianto, searching for some kind of answer for his odd behavior. He
found none. "And exactly why would I want to do something like that even if
I could?" A dark suspicion nibbled at him, raising his temper by some slight
degree. He held up his hand to halt Ianto's next words, stating, "Why are
you asking me this, Ianto?"

"Just so I can be sure...." He raked his hair with both hands, unable to
meet Jack's eyes.  "I need to know that you don't have some kind of...unfair

"So....what? You think I see you as a convenient fuck? Just a warm body to
bury my cock in when no one better is around to do the deed?"  Jack rose,
intending to go to his lover, to wrap his arms around him and kiss this
nonsense from his mind once and for all.

The distrustful glint in Ianto's eye, though, held Jack where he stood. His
hands fluttered helplessly at his side, the blade of pain striking a near
mortal blow through his heart. "Where is this coming from, Ianto?"

Ianto's haunted gaze captured Jack's, begging his understanding. "I need to
be sure. I mean, I've never.." His hands wavered in the air a moment before
he continued. "..with another man before. Never even crossed my mind
to...You know.... But I can't stop thinking about it...sex, I mean...with
you. Just you. Only you. Jack, I see you with other people, know you can
have anyone you want. Probably do have ... I...I have to..wonder..."

Jack's breath froze in his chest as the words came together. "So..." he
spoke softly, his voice so thin with the horror dawning inside him. "So you
think...unfair advantage?" His laugh was rough and choked, the hurt
squeezing his chest so his ribs might break.  "You think I...That the
pheromones...force you to want.." Another bitter laugh parted his pale lips.
"You know what you are accusing me of, I hope? You think I rap..." Jack
swallowed the bile the rose in his throat, turning his back on Ianto to
stare out the window, down into the Hub Central. "I make love with you,
Ianto. Love, not rape. If you can't see that..."

Tears welled in his eyes. How long had it been since he'd wept from
something other than a fallen friend? How long had it been since
anyone....anyone had dealt him such a killing blow to he heart that he
wanted nothing so much as to curl up in the dark and die?

He drew a stuttering breath and blinked back the tears. "No, Ianto.  I can
not turn them off. No more than you can turn off the pheromones that attract
me, kept me coming back to you."


Jack closed his eyes against the pain of his next words, wished he could
close off his ears so he did not have to hear himself utter them. "All I can
do for you is---" his voice broke and he curled his hands into tight fists,
plunging his neatly trimmed nails into his flesh to keep back the looming
sobs. "I won't ...force my attentions on you any longer."

"Jack..."Ianto began, but Jack sliced a hand in the air, cutting off his

"I think it would be best if we stayed as far away from each other as we
can. Working together like we do it won't be easy, but I really do prefer
you don't leave Torchwood over this." His bitter laugh sounded again, short,
final.  "You are a valuable member of the team. Quite indispensable to us."

"This isn't what I want, Jack," Ianto said softly. "I just thought...If you
weren't sending out such powerful pheromones, and I was still attracted...I
just wanted to know what I feel for you is...honest."

The words were a slap to Jack's face. One he reeled under. "Sorry I can't
help you with that little experiment, Ianto." He pulled a breath even though
the very act made his chest ache with the burden of it.  "Listen, if you
don't mind, I'd really prefer one of the others bring me anything I might


"Ianto," He whirled around to face the lover he was letting go. "Ianto,
please. It hurts too much to have you near me and know I can't touch you. I

Ianto nodded. "As you wish, Ja...sir. Ah...I'll..I'll go man the tourist
center...for now."  He turned to leave, pausing at the door. "I'm ...sorry,

Jack turned back to the window, his shoulders slumped. "Yeah. Me too."


"It's like walking an glass around Jack since he broke up with Ianto," Gwen
grumbled over the coffee and biscuits Ianto had popped in to distribute
before once more abandoning them to man the tourist center.

"I don't know why he bothers getting anything for Jack," Tosh sighed,
picking up the coffee and several chocolate dipped biscuits for their absent
leader. "He never eats the food we bring him and the coffee goes cold
waiting for him to drink it." Just the same she made a bee-line for the

Gwen watched her go, then turned back to nibble her biscuit without any
great interest. "She's right, you know? Jack looks like death warmed over."

"Ianto doesn't look much better," Owen offered.

"What do you think happened between them?"

Owen glanced toward the overhanging office and shrugged. "Who knows. The
silly bastards were so besotted over each other they made you and Rhys look
like a bored married couple headed for divorce."

"I don't think either one of them wants to be apart."

"So why are they, then?"

Gwen cast Owen a sly smile. "Because they are both men."

"Hey, don't go there, lady."

"Don't you two start now," Tosh snapped, her dark eyes flashing. She was
still carrying the coffee and biscuits.

"Still not hungry, I take it?" Owen asked, snatching the food from her.

She shook her head. "He took one look at the food and turned green. I expect
he's still retching his guts out up there."

"This can't keep going on," Gwen said firmly. "We have to do something."

"Leave it, Gwen," Owen advised, turning back to his work station.  "They are
two grown men. They know what they are doing."

"Do they, Owen?" Gwen sighed. "Do they really?"


Jack withdrew more and more as the endless days dragged on. He stopped
taking lead on the missions, setting the task to Gwen for the most part, her
having police training and investigative field experience.  He rarely went
out after the stray weevil attack. The Weevil hunts he'd thrilled to with
Ianto by his side held no appeal for him at all.

The one day, he stopped even leaving his quarters deep under his office,
abandoning the running of the whole of Torchwood to the team members.

A week later, with no sign of Jack resurfacing, Gwen went to Ianto and
persuaded him that he needed to enter the devil's den and check on their
reclusive leader.


Ianto wasn't overly excited about breaching the lion in his den.  He was
absolutely certain his reception would be less than warm and welcoming.  But
on the other hand, he'd long ago come to the decision that he wanted to be
with Jack, pheromones or no  pheromones.  If nothing else the long time
apart had proven that what he felt was real. And stronger than he would ever
have imagined. He missed Jack with his whole soul. Missed him, and wanted

With that firmly in his mind, he gingerly climbed down and down  the pitch
black metal hole into the very  bowels of the hub.  The lack of light sent a
fissure of worry through him. Jack was very conscious of danger and kept the
entrance to his quarters well lit. The freezing drop in temperature added
weight to his fears.  By the time he reached the hatchway into Jack's
quarter's he could shave blown rings from  the vapor of his breath.

Fear pushed him into Jack's dark quarters as surely as his rampant desire to
just see the an one more time. He couldn't remember ever being so scared in
his life. Not even during the case involving the village of cannibals.  He
needed to know Jack was all right.

His hand was shaking as he reached for the lights.

"Leave it."

Jack's voice was weak and raspy.

Ill. Deathly so.


"G away," Jack whispered.  "Leave me alone, Ianto....Please..."

"I ....can't," Ianto slammed a palm against the lights switch, flooding the
darkness with startling light.

Jack lie naked, shivering in the freezing cold, sweat pouting off him from
the fire in his body. He cried out against the sudden flash of light
assaulting his unfocused eyes.  He flung his arm over his eyes, then rolled
over to bury his face in the pillow.

"Jack.." Ianto took several hesitant steps toward him.

"Don't...touch me."  Jack hurled himself off the bed, tumbling onto the hard
flooring on the far side with a pain-filled grunt.  He dragged a rough
blanket around his shivering from, but not before Ianto saw Jack excessively
engorged flesh.

"My God, Jack.." Ianto took another few steps forward, then stopped as
Jack's lust-crazed gaze fell on him. "Jack..?" he said, uncertainly.

Laughing brutally Jack drew his legs up tight against his chest. he cred out
suddenly, as his legs made contact with his tender flesh.

"Jesus, Jack.."

"Get out," Jack hissed, pulling the blanket over his head in search of the
darkness. "Get out. Get out." He slumped down onto his side and curled into
a fetal position. "Get out. Get out. Get out." His voice lost power, falling
silent as he lie rocking himself under the blanket.

Ianto surged forward, scooping Jack into his arms.

Jack's scream was deafening, echoing."Hurts.  Hurts so bad."

"Sorry," Ianto babbled, his hands skimming over Jack's burning, flushed
skin. "So sorry. Jack, be all right. Please, I need you."  He pushed the
blanket away from Jack's face and rained kisses on his pale cheeks. "I was
so wrong. So very wrong."

Jack grabbed Ianto's roving hand as it neared too close to his tender parts.
"Don't..." He ground out weakly. "I can't promise I won't...lose control if
you touch my..." His eyes closed and he turned his head away.  "Please, I
need to do this alone. I can't have anyone...exposed to my...pheromones.
Can't be responsible for...."

"What are you saying? This is because you haven't had...sex?"

Jack pushed feebly at Ianto's chest, finally giving up when Ianto just got a
better hold on him and squeezed him tight. "Told you about the 51st century
pheromones." Jack gasped, his body curling up  against a wave of
gut-wrenching cramps. "Just kinda skipped over the drawback...The 51st
century instinct to ..." He grimaced. "...fuck anything that moves." He gave
a  short bark of laughter. "Evolution, gotta love it."  The hand he lifted
to cup Ianto's cheek trembled. "Forgive me for hurting you. I really do want
to be with you. Not just because I want to screw you to the bed, which I do.
Always will, but now...Save yourself, Ianto. Go.  Go, now."

"I'm not leaving you like this, Jack." Ianto gathered the writhing man into
his lap, pressing his head down onto his shoulder. "I was wrong, Jack. What
I said about your pheromones influencing my feelings for you. I was wrong,
do you hear me?  I've missed you so much. Wanted you so badly since we broke
up. Please, Jack, let me stay. Let me help you.  I can't bear to see you
like this."

His hand sought out Jack's engorged flesh. The gentle brush of flesh on
flesh arched Jack's body so tightly Ianto feared he might actually snap his
back. The keening cry of extreme sexual tension lowered as Ianto smoothed
his hand down the long, thick column of heat, ending in an erotic purr.

"You are so beautiful." Ianto murmured, drawing Jack's face back toward him
and kissing his panting lips.

As Ianto drew back from Jack's lips, Jack opened his eyes, staring at him
with an almost child-like need for assurance. "I want to do this, Jack. No
pheromones influencing me. Promise."

Jack's eyes moved over him, searching. Letting the love shining from Ianto's
eyes convince him that Ianto was in charge of what he was doing. that he was
only there because he wanted to be there.

The realization was enough to send Jack over the edge, into sensual release.


Jack had never passed out from the strength of release before. The gasp that
brought him back to consciousness, so like the gasps that brought him back
to life, was full of pleasure, for like when he died and came back, Ianto
was there, his arms tight around him, kissing his hair and stroking his
cooling skin to new fires.

Very much ready for an interlude of pleasure, both giving and taking.

And would always be.


Okay, so this went to places I didn't expect. What can I say, things happen
and my muses don't always (ever) listen to reason.

If you liked the story, I'd appreciate  to hear it.
I'm still taking requests for new stories (or one of the WIPs), so give a
shout out on the post on my person journals or through FB.

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