[Makebelieve] Fic: Intervention (Blair/m) Sentinel-Pretender - slash

makebelieve archive makebelievearchive at gmail.com
Fri Jul 6 19:59:38 PDT 2007

Intervention by peja
FRAO overall, FRT this chapter
Pairings: Blair/m, previous chapter. Currently, just Jim Ellison (Richard
Burgi), Blair Sandburg, Jarod and Naomi Sandburg..oh and Sydney Green
Portrayed by
Warnings: Rape/Torture/Blair ooowies that make Jim Oooowies in previous
chapters, we're into the recovery, doncha know
Summary: Jarod and JIm discuss the situation. Blair's father arrives
FEEDBACK: Due to a self-imposed challenge to write something for every list
I own, I'm only working on WIPs that folks let me know they want, so I don't
write without you guys asking for more. Feed the monster. Upside, each
request means an additional chapeter..ask for more and lets get this piece,
as well as the rest of the WIPs, finished, whatcha say
ARCHIVE: My work is posted first to my LJ
http://peja1956.livejournal.com/Then the Makebelieve Archive. If
anyone else wants it, ask.
Categories: Sentinel/Pretender
Previous chapters can be read by following the links at
http://peja1956.livejournal.com/91195.html or at my story page
AUTHOR NOTE: WIPs are being written by request only at this time. If you
would like to see a new chapter in one or more WIPs email me at
makebelievearchive at gmail.com  Also I am taking requests for new fics, either
as improvs or very simple challenges. Send me something in the fandom and
pairing of your choice and as long as I am familiar with the fandom, I'll
see what I can come up with.

Part 4

"He's asleep." Jarod said, closing the French doors to the second bedroom
and nodding his thanks to Jim for the cup of coffee that appeared in his
hand.  "This has been rough on you. Why don't you go upstairs and grab a few
hours more?"

Jim took a big swig out of his own cup and shook his head. "I need to
process." He nodded toward the French doors. "You got him talking. I
couldn't do that. Thanks."

"You would have gotten through to him in time." Jarod checked his watch.
Michelle..." He offered a sheepish grin. "Naomi should be arriving with
Sydney any time now."

"You think bringing a man Blair has no memory of here is a good idea?"

Jarod sent Jim a sharp look, moving to the dining area and sitting down at
the table. "Sydney is his father," he said as Jim joined him at the table.
"He has a right to see his son. Just like Nic...Blair has a right to see his
father. They need this, Ellison. If we are going to protect Blair against a
repeat of this, he needs to remember what we took away from him, and that
starts with knowing the man who fathered him."

Jim nodded, sipping from his cup. "I was on the squad that found Blair."

Jarod's gaze was sharp. "Oh?"

"He was covered in blood and..." He shook his head, when the words wouldn't
come. "At first," he began moments later. "I thought we'd gotten there to
late. That he was dead." His shadowed gaze darted toward the French doors
and he tiped his head, listening. "It was like someone had ripped my heart
out with a dull spoon."

"And how are you feeling now, Jim?"

A shudder shook Jim from head to foot. "I...It's not important. I'm not
important. Blair is the only thing that matters. Getting him back to

"Normal?" Jarod asked, his blue eyes narrowing. "As in like he was before?
Or the normal he's going to get back to? Are you going to accept him as he
will be after living through this trauma?"

"I never thought about that."

"Well, start thinking about it. Blair took a trip through hell and lived to
see the end of it, but the memories still haunt him. there is no easy fix."

whatever Jim was about to say went away forgotten as Naomi breezed in, using
the spare key Jim had given her, a well groomed elegant gentleman in tow.

Continues...if you ask for more

TO MY READERS: In an attempt to improve my story output, I've challenged
myself to write something for each of my lists and post something new every
couple days. At this time I'm only writing stories and WIPs that are
requested, so if you have something you want added to, you know how to get

1. Post me a 5-10 word improv
2. Request a new chapter/sequel to your favorite current story
3. Send me a simple challenge in any fandom.
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